Web site monitoring cartoon

Author: ArunNormally, when users send in their comments either to our support email address or through the feedback form, they express themselves through words. Recently we received user feedback of a different kind, in the form of a cartoon! Just wanted to share this nice toon with you all. This one is by Matt, one of our long-term...

Introducing Web Page Analyzer - free tool to analyze web page load times

Author: ArunLast week, we discussed about the various free online tools in Site24x7 . Today, we will discuss about the latest addition to the tools section - the Web Page Analyzer tool.

Using the Web Page Analyzer tool, you can find out the load times of your web page and the individual load times of its different objects. Just ent...

Best service for monitoring online application

Author: ArunJust wanted to share a couple of nice feedback that came to us recently. This one is from Barrie Etherington, who has been using Site24x7 for a long time.

Thanks Barrie. Nice to know Site24x7 helped you during the tricky period with website problems. One of our Malaysian user says:

Answering your Site24�7 pricing/upgrade questions

Author: ArunHere are a few pricing/upgrade related queries that came to us in the past few days. I am sharing these questions and their answers here for the benefit of our readers. I want to monitor 5 websites every 5 minutes. How much do I have to pay monthly?

Our pricing system charges you based on the number of urls yo...

Site24x7 Tools - Now get more out of Site24x7

Author: Arun

If you had logged into your Site24x7 account recently, you might have noticed this new 'Tools' tab adjacent to the 'Reports' tab. Yes, we have almost quietly introduced a tools section within Site24x7. This section includes a set of tools that are really useful for webmasters or any interested web u...


The Official Site24x7's blog.

An overview of Reports section(part 3)

Author: ArunIn earlier posts of the 'Reports Overview' series, we discussed availability reports and response time reports. Today, in the last part of this series, we will discuss comparison reports along with the other options available within the 'Reports' tab.Comparison ReportsThe Reports tab provides an option to ...

An overview of Reports section (part 2)

Author: ArunIn part one of the Report overview series, we reviewed the 'Availability reports' section. Today, we will discuss about Response time reports within the reports tab.As you know, response times are good indicators of how your website is performing. Here are some of the response time reports available:

The ...

Excellent article about external website monitoring services

Author: Arun

Michael Slater, Site24x7 user and co-founder of digital photography software company Fotiva, wrote to us recently regarding an article he had written in his blog. It is titled 'Using External Web Site Monitoring Services' and it talks about the need for using external monitoring services to check if your webs...

Site24�7 covered in Lockergnome

Author: ArunBrandon Watts has a nice article on Site24x7 in lockergnome website. He dwells upon the importance of properly tracking website downtime and also does a short review of Site24x7.Few excerpts from the article:

It's never any fun when one of your Web sites goes down. For many of us, our Web sites are extremely i...