Set the right escalation mechanism to monitor downtime

Tracking the availability of your website is the first and foremost activity to be performed by IT Administrators for business success. For optimum website monitoring,~it is~not sufficient only~ to have a downtime alerting system.~In such a scenario, the right escalation mechanism is also equally important so that the precise~set~of individuals are notified,~and faster action is initiated.~For~example,~if an~NOC~Operator is not able to close a ticket in time, then the next automatic action would be to notify the Administrator or the next LOB Manager,~just so~he can pitch in and help close the issue faster.~ Such an escalation mechanism would also help in streamlining the operations side of your business,~and make sure no one is kept in the dark for an open issue with proper in time notifications.

Site24x7 Website Monitoring, the~SaaS~based Web Infrastructure Monitoring Service not only helps you in maintaining~uptime, but also ensures that~in the event of~an issue~crossing~its~specified~threshold limit in being resolved, the immediate contact point in the hierarchy would be alerted. Read along to find out how you can use the escalation mechanism feature in Site24x7.

Escalation mechanism in Site24x7 Cloud Infrastructure~Monitoring:

The~Escalate if downtime exceeds~option lets you~to~customize the threshold limit of the website downtime and exceeding which, the~system~will~notify a specific set of individuals, in common case, a higher authority. All you have to do is, select the check box and enter the desired time value (in minutes) to configure this alert.

You also can choose whom to escalate to, by choosing~a~contact group~from the drop down list~against the set threshold. You can learn more about downtime configuration by visiting our User Guide.


With the ability to set notifications and alerting the right officials in the hierarchy, website availability monitoring is super simplified. In case of~a~downtime, all you need to do is just sit back and relax. Your~website monitoring partner~will identify downtime and alert the necessary~business leaders.~And with various alerting options like~Email,~SMS,~RSS~and~Twitter to~choose~from, you really~do not~need to be confined to your cubicle. This is what we call anytime, anywhere monitoring. Try this feature out and let us know about it.



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