Site24x7 October Newsletter - Monitor Your Online Store
It is raining web-based applications these days. Almost every business use online store and employ business productivity tools to boost their revenue. It is all good to have, but if users can’t access those applications on time, the purpose is defeated.
You need to ensure these web apps are running 24x7x365, and Site24x7’s W...
Introducing Website monitoring from Washington DC and IP Address change for NY
We are also planning to add more servers in near future, so stay tuned to this space.
Also we have changed the IP Address of our NewYork server as the older one created lot of problems.
Gain Trust by Being Transparent About Your Website Performance
Second, Foursquare used the social media very effectively. They spoke to leading tech blogs and updated the status once the service was back online. There are two important lessons to be learnt from the way how Foursquare handled its un-expected downtime.
First and foremost, make sure that you have a strong strategy in place in case any...
IP address change in Cologne (Germany) monitoring server
Google WebP and Website Performance: What does this mean for the future of web?
IP address change in Seattle and Dallas monitoring servers
We are planning to upgrade our monitoring servers in Seattle and Dallas to a new high end server on October 11, 2010 00:00 AM PDT.
Site24x7 update: Revamped web client and more
We had been working on a new look for the Site24x7 web client over the past few weeks. Sometime last month, we had also given a sneak peek of the interface to our blog readers. Now we’ve just rolled out this new interface to all our user accounts.
So what’s new in the new interface?
Analyze and Improve Website Performance using Web Page Analyzer Tool
One of the recent trends I have noticed over a period of time is that many websites and web-based applications have started obsessing about their website performance and uptime. In order to understand this obsession better, I think we need to look at two key factors:
Many theories and scientific studies have been conducted on how d...
Updating an Existing Website Monitor to Add More Locations
1. Log into Site24x7.
2. Select the website you wish add more locations or change those locations to a different one and click on 'Edit Details' link.