Beta Announcement: Site24x7 releases Web Application monitoring using Real Browser

Today’s~businesses rely~heavily on~end-user experience~and~it becomes all that more~critical~for business owners~to monitor~their~application response times from a global perspective.~Any lag in the performance of your web applications can result in loss of revenue and goodwill.~With the release of~Site24x7’s~brand new feature,~Web Application (Real Browser)~monitor, the issue of losing revenue~due to a~discarded~e-business transaction is taken care of. Read along to find out more.

What is Web Application Monitoring using Real Browser?

Site24x7 Web Application (Real Browser) provides~the ability to measure~live~end-user~experience, using~a robust recorder tool~that~records~web transactions. Using this~tool you can record steps involved in executing a web application and play it back via real browsers like Firefox.

Site24x7 Web Application (Real Browser) proactively measures end-user experience by monitoring the availability, response times, and page loading time of web transactions from multiple locations, and from the cloud.

How is Site24x7 Web Application (Real Browser) different?

  • Easy-to-use tool to record transactions unlike other solutions that require you to create scripts (code). Web programming knowledge is not required since all the back-end tasks are handled by the Site24x7 recorder.
  • Unlike most other transaction recorders in the market today, Real Browser monitoring from Site24x7 uses an actual browser to play-back the captured web transactions. This gives users an accurate idea of how fast their web applications load when their customers access it via a browser and also their availability.

What you can do using~Site24x7 Web Application (Real Browser)

  • Monitor a sequence of web pages in an online application, such as an online shopping website
  • View response time graphs and get real insight into web application performance
  • Set thresholds for response time~and~ get alerts when your application slows down
  • Perform content check on the desired text
  • Record and playback user sessions for easy troubleshooting and improve customer experience

Site24x7 Web Application (Real Browser)~Highlights

  • Make sure your web applications are performing optimally
  • Detect errors or slowdowns in complex web transactions
  • Quickly identify and troubleshoot web application performance problems
  • Get daily/ weekly reports through email indicating your web application uptime and performance
  • Get instant notifications when there are problems with your application such as connectivity problems, slow page load time, or content errors
  • Supports recording of URLs, form-filling, Ajax requests etc.
  • Supports monitoring from a global point of presence

How does~Site24x7 Web Application (Real Browser)~work?

  1. Download~ and install the Web Application (Real Browser) recorder
  2. Record all user interactions in your web application in their exact sequence and save it as a monitor in your~Site24x7 account
  3. The transactions will be replayed at regular intervals and notifications will be sent when an error is detected
  4. View detailed reports of various critical parameters on your Site24x7 dashboard

Platform & Browser Support

  • The Recorder tool currently supports Windows platform. Support for Mac will be available in the coming days
  • Playback is supported for Firefox browser presently and would be extended to Chrome and Internet Explorer soon

Just log-in to your account and try~Site24x7 Web Application (Real Browser)~monitor and put an end to your web transaction worries!


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