Happy System Administrators Day from Site24x7

So, it's that time of the year again when you are treated nothing less than a hero, when your phone rings not to receive~complaints but to wish you "Happy System Administrators Day". Yes, it's 26th of July again and it's your day~to sit back, relax and get~pampered. It's your day to P-A-R-T-Y.

We,~at~Site24x7, truly understand the importance of being a system administrator~and have always strived to make your tasks a little easier. That's why we brought to you great set of~Free Tools~that you can use to get all those time-consuming pesky activities off your calendar,~without spending a penny. Smooth and easy!

Sysadmins are expected to be available anywhere, anytime. They are contacted with critical problems even during their personal time with family and friends. You'd have often been disturbed while watching your favorite movie, or while barbecuing with friends over a weekend, or while spending~quality time with family on a picnic. We know how painful that is, which is why we introduced the~iPhone~and~Android~apps. These cool apps are very handy as you can have updates about all critical information, no matter where you are. You don't have to worry anymore about missing out on work crisis during your personal time.

The role of a system administrator is a tiring one, considering the constant complaints about~websites not responding, applications having a slow response time or worse, the servers being down.~To~ensure proactive monitoring,~we came out with awesome features like "Website Monitoring", "APM Insight" and "Server Monitoring". These features give you~in-depth insight into the performance of all critical resources even before the end users are notified,~letting you troubleshoot proactively, so that you can~work with zero disturbance.

With the Site24x7 arsenal in your kitty, you are no longer~an ordinary~system administrator~but a "System Administrator Superhero" ready to solve any issue in no time.~So, join us in~the~Sysadmin Day~celebrations~and cherish every moment of this day.

Write to us and let us know how~you're~planning to make this day extra special for yourself. We love you System Administrators!


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