Spanish, Portuguese and French articles on Site24x7

We had earlier written about the increasing usage of Site24x7 among European (read non-English) users. Some of these users write articles or blog posts describing the features of Site24x7. We are featuring 3 such articles today - one each in Spanish, Portuguese and French. The Spanish article is by Rafael Pinero in Visual Beta websi...

Website Performance Tracking and Status Monitoring with Site24x7

We recently came across 2 articles on Site24x7 in the blogosphere. The first one is by Raj of Technobuzz and the post is titled is 'Monitor your Site Status with Site24x7'. It gives a brief introduction to Site24x7 and its features and also explains how site24x7 works. Here is an excerpt:

Read full article hereOf course a...

Web Page loading pattern of Web Page Speed (Browser) Monitor

Here's a question about the Web Page Speed (Browser) that came to our support team recently. Just thought of sharing this here in the blog so that it will be useful for other users as well. The way Web Page Speed (Browser) works, it seems to show that some images and javascript get downloaded in parallel. Is this way ...

Buying Site24�7 with a Paypal account or Purchase Order

Author: ArunMost Site24x7 users who upgrade to the Professional account do so by paying online through credit card. In fact, we have even mentioned in our website that this is our preferred mode of payment since credit cards are handled automatically. However, there are some users who might not want to use a credit card as their company ...

Monitoring web site uptime through cellphones

Author: ArunA couple of articles about Site24x7 in the blogosphere caught our attention this week. One is by David Bradley in his website sciencetext. The post is titled "Use your Cellphone to monitor website health". David writes about how Site24x7 helps keep track of your website or blog 24/7 and alerts you via email...

Site24�7 in 2007 - A recap of the year gone by

Author: ArunAs we come to the end of year 2007, we thought it might be an appropriate time to look at what we've done this year and how far we have come. So here is a quick recap of the year gone by. Site24x7 was a Beta service for the first 2 months of the year. We came out of Beta in March and introduced our paid plan (Profes...

Monitoring Site Downtime with Site24�7

Author: ArunWe recently came across a very nice article about Site24x7 in the blogosphere. This article was written by Anand and is titled "Monitoring Site Downtime". Below are a few excerpts from the article:

If something goes wrong with my site, I like to know of it. My top three problems are:

Festive offer from Site24�7

Author: ArunIts festive season worldwide and we are taking this opportunity to provide you with some fantastic bargains on Site24x7. We are giving a flat 40% discount for upgrades to Professional account. Just upgrade your Site24x7 Free/Trial account to Professional and get 40% off on your first payment. No strings attache...

Stay on top of website downtimes with Site24�7

Author: ArunJust thought of sharing some feedback we received recently. The first one is from Christian Markley of THP, a long-term user of Site24x7. "Site24x7 has been an invaluable tool to help me stay on top off my websites' downtimes and problems. The notifications have come at the same time that I would get notifications f...

Answering your Site24�7 Alerts/Reports questions (part 1)

Author: ArunIn an earlier blog post, we had answered some common questions with regards to the Site24x7 free account. Today, we would like to answer some recent questions related to the alerts & reports section. I'm trying to delete an email and sms contact from the alerts page, but it does nothing. How do I delete someone who h...