10 ecommerce conversion tactics

In the hyper-competitive world of ecommerce, a pretty interface only goes so far. Your landing page, your homepage and every subsequent page needs to be user friendly. It needs substance. And above all it needs to convert visits into sales. But if you find shopping carts are being aborted, and bounce rates are high, one or more of these reasons may be why.

#1 Know your customers

Understanding your customer base is the founding principle of marketing. Without knowing your target audience you can’t possibly market your goods well. If there are any gaps in your knowledge, go back to your~customer data for greater insight. This is becoming increasingly necessary as the trend for more targeted, personalized shopping experiences grows.

#2 Keep~navigation simple

Navigation needs to be as simple as possible. If it isn’t carts will be abandoned and bounce rates high. Breadcrumbs that appear horizontally across the top of a web page can help customers know exactly where they are within a site. Make it easy to navigate the site, to see and select goods and to checkout.


#3 Pimp your product imagery

Your product imagery is the most important visual element on your site. Make your goods zoomable, provide 360 product views or get a few different angles to help customers part with their cash. This won’t only help to increase sales; it will also reduce returns.

#4 Engage with detailed content

Think about all the information customers need to know~in order to make a sale. Are there any gaps?~Watch out for typos, spelling mistakes and keeping the format in which product information is displayed consistent throughout. This won’t just boost sales, it will reduce email and telephone queries and consequently, admin~costs.

#5~Interact with video

Replace the tactile experience of bricks and mortar shopping with the next best thing: interactive video. This will enable your customers to get a better feel for your products, and make~your ecommerce site more of a multisensory experience. Such videos can also form part of your inbound marketing strategy and be shared on social networking sites.

#6 Give preferred payment

Some customers are cautious about releasing credit card information - especially to online retailers~they’re buying from for the first time. Most customers also have a preferred method of payment. To give every customer an equal chance to buy from you offer a range of payment options including debit card, Paypal and, where possible, store pickup.


#7~Offer free shipping and returns

Shipping charges can be a conversion killer so consider a way that makes free shipping viable, or offer it periodically to boost sales. According to a survey conducted by comScore half of respondents chose free shipping as the ‘most important’ service/factor offered by online retailers.

#8 Show contact information

Trust is a biggie in the world of ecommerce. If customers trust your site they’re more likely to part with their cash. Make sure you’re traceable by displaying your full contact details, not just an email address.

#9 Clearly display~deals

If you’re running a promotion, make it clear on your home page – the first page many people are likely to see. If the product isn’t automatically discounted but requires a code, for instance, make sure customers are clear about what they need to do.

#10 Feature products on the landing page

Many shoppers will be online window shopping and unclear about what they want. Tempt them visually with featured products and turn that piece of eye candy into something they want to buy.










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