Best Practices for Hardening Your Cloud Instances

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solutions have been a boon to system administrators due to the versatility it offers datacenter professionals. Unfortunately the dynamic nature of cloud solutions makes them difficult to maintain. When instances are being created on the fly, security often becomes an afterthought. Fortunately you c...

Site24x7 Status Pages: Redefine Business Transparency

Lets face it, downtime cannot be avoided, but if handled well, can bring a sense of security and trust among customers. Business~transparency goes a long way, as It is critical to keep your customers informed about the availability and maintenance schedules of your services which helps in nullifying a case of an unexpected downtime that ...

A Season in Review: 2014 Holiday Ecommerce

Retailers needed to pull out more tricks in 2014 to get shoppers in the virtual aisles, relying more on IT and less on traditional strategies of years past, and the strategies worked in a big way. Record numbers for e-commerce, with holiday shopping across US and Europe approaching $130 billion (Source: Forrester Research)...

What will Datacenters of the Future Look Like?

Datacenter professionals always need to stay on top of the latest trends in Datacenter infrastructure development. As discussed in a report from TechTarget, datacenter innovation can be a complex topic however the topics below are areas which stand out.

Numerous Improvements in Energy Efficiency

2014 - The Year of Innovation (Infographic)

There was lot of action at Site24x7 this year. 2014, we call it the "Year of Innovation". From launching industry first solutions, kick starting the partner program to numerous enhancements to our existing feature set, we did it all. As we look forward to carry the same momentum next year, here is an infographic highlighting some of...

Scheduled Network Maintenance on Dec 31, 2014

We are planning for a network maintenance on 31st December, 2014 (5:00 PM PST) to 1st January, 2015 (1:00 AM PST) for upgrading our network components .

However, no downtime is expected during this period.

Why All Datacenter Professionals Need to Understand DevOps?

As agile development methods continue to gain steam with developers, system administrators need a way to keep pace with rapidly changing trends in technology. Enter the field of DevOps, which is a discipline centered on ensuring developers and system administrators understand the importance of collaboration through all stages of the developme...

The Secret to Streamlining your Development Workflow

In the past, application development used to be a difficult process. The biggest challenge to developers wasn’t developing a final product, but struggling to manage bugs and glitches which come up on customer systems as the product is deployed. While development systems often are built to uniform standards, client systems have an infini...

Format SQL Statements to Make Troubleshooting Easier

"#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax”.

A line which implies you need to go through and make the complex SQL statement simple. Frustrating, isn't it? Especially after finally having convinced yourself of making no errors till the last line. That's not the end of it. The mundane task of identifying ...

The Importance of Live Migration Capabilities in Modern Datacenters

Recently the popular Xen hypervisor system showed its limitations due to leading cloud service providers being forced to reboot chunks of their compute instances due to a glitch in the software. In the past, this may have been an acceptable solution, however now that datacenters are powering mission critical applications, system administrator...