Happy Holidays from Site24x7

It has been an exciting and eventful year for us here at Site24x7. We grew a lot this year, both in terms of features added to our monitoring service as well as expanding our user base. Here is a quick recap of what went into Site24x7 in 2009.

- Five new locations were added to our global monitoring network. Servers were added in China,...

Twitter's unplanned downtime and the importance of monitoring website content

As you must have known by now, Twitter was recently hacked and defaced by a group claiming to be the Iranian Cyber Army. The hackers managed to compromise Twitter's DNS records and left a defacement message on the website. Both twitter.com and status.twitter.com were down and some users faced a temporary problem with sending tweets. Ther...

Special Holiday Offer from Site24x7 - Get 40% off your first bill

It's festive time in most parts of the world now and in keeping with this spirit, we are offering some cool bargains on Site24x7.

If you upgrade to a monthly subscription, you will get 30% off your first bill. If you choose yearly subscription, you will get 40% off your first bill. This offer is applicable on all our user...

China monitoring location temporarily unavailable

Our Chinese monitoring location has been temporarily rendered out of service. This is due to an unprecedented disruption of network activity at the datacenter level, and this reportedly affects tens of thousands of websites. You can read more info on this downtime from our web host's blog:


Chinese domain names and their impressive growth rate

What do you think is the fastest growing domain name on the internet? It is the Chinese (.cn) domain. As the Chinese economy is growing, so is the number of internet users in China. In fact, the number of Internet users in China surpassed the US in 2008.

According to CNNIC, there were 298 million Chinese Internet users by...

Introducing website monitoring from Brazil and Sweden

As announced in an earlier post, we’ve recently introduced monitoring servers in Brazil and Sweden. The Brazil server is located in Rio De Janeiro and the Swedish one is at Stockholm.

These additions further augment our global monitoring network and takes the total location count to 17. The Brazil server is our first in South Amer...

Integration to intranet portals, website uptime buttons & more

We recently had an update here at Site24x7. Here is a brief overview of the features/enhancements that have gone into this update.

1. Option to integrate website uptime and performance data into intranet portals/applications:

Avoiding unnecessary notifications during ''Scheduled Maintenance"

There are some occasions when you may want to take your web site, web application or servers offline for some upgrade or maintenance purpose. To prevent your sites or applications from being monitored during the maintenance period, you should configure a maintenance schedule for your monitors and thus avoid unnecessary notifications from Site...

The increasing patronage of Digital Passports

Zdnetasia recently reported that Indian government has announced plans to introduce digital passports to its citizens from 2010 onwards. We decided to take a closer look at what digital passports are and how they are implemented around the world.

What is a digital passport?

Site24x7 for iPhone - Track Website uptime status & SLA compliance from your iPhone

We have just rolled out an iPhone client that can be used to access Site24x7 website monitoring service. The interface lets you connect to Site24x7 and view the current status of the monitors in your account.

This is useful for you to get a quick overview of the status of your web sites while you are on the move. You can view the curren...