Should you build native or HTML5 mobile apps?

Mobile is exploding. Just a couple of months ago we saw that for the first time ever, mobile devices accounted for 55% of all Internet traffic in USA in Jan 2014 (Source- comScore), surpassing desktop usage. Moreover, mobile ecommerce is expected to be double that of desktop ecommerce by 2018 (Source: Goldman Sachs).

Short Message Service (SMS) - concept illustration

As you define your long-term mobile strategy, you are probably pondering right now which route to go.~ Should you build mobile apps in native code (one per each platform), or should you build them in HTML5 (these apps act like native apps but they live in the Web, working seamlessly across mobile platforms and devices)?

Unfortunately, there is no simple “one-size fits-all” answer. Instead, there are several areas to consider, so let’s review in more detail.

1.~~~~~~ The mobile landscape is changing. While Apple was the #1 worldwide leader, Android tablet sales overtook Apple iPads in 2013 (source: Gartner). It can all change again in 2014 though. Since a native app can only run on the device or platform for which it was written, HTML5 is the winner in this category --it is a more cost-effective approach. Instead of having to build multiple native apps and versions (that will look and behave the same across platforms), and adjust your plans if the landscape changes, you can build an HTML5 app once, and it will work across iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile devices.

2.~~~~~~ There are also Web performance implications to consider. ~When it comes to debugging features or accessing latest native APIs, HTML5 is still in its infancy, plus mobile browsers support of HTML5 features is inconsistent. Therefore, speed and usability can be worse in HTML5 apps, and they don’t work as well offline. Consequently, thinking about performance (key requirement for your end-users), the winner in this category for now is native apps. As HTML5 matures, the performance gap should shrink down.

3.~~~~~~ Security: This is an important area to ponder especially for financial or healthcare mobile apps. Security is stronger with native development, so based on the type of mobile app you want to deploy this might be the deal-breaker in your decision, especially if you are ready to tackle mobile apps right now.

4. ~~~~~ Distribution. A mobile web app runs in your phone’s web browser. Instead of downloading from an app store (a much better way to go viral and reach a much larger consumer population), users will navigate to the app’s web address, just like a web page. This is where hybrid mobile apps come into play. Think about them as HTML5 mobile apps with a “wrapper”, so they can be downloaded in massive numbers from an app store. While an HTML5 mobile app doesn’t need Google or Apple approval (and will not share a percentage of revenue with them), a hybrid app will share revenue, just like a regular native mobile app.

5.~~~~~~ Development preference.~ There is really no clear winner in this category. According to a recent Telerik survey, 40% of developers have started building native, only to switch to HTML5, and 31% have started building cross-platform, only to switch to native. In addition, there are discrepancies across regions. For example, Android and iOS are the preferred choice in US and Europe, while Android and HTML5 are the top development platforms in the rest of the world, including South Asia, South America, and the Middle East and Africa. But wait, there is more to consider- responsive Web design (an approach to web design that adjusts to the user, from varying browser sizes to changes in device). These sites can be viewed on a desktop in a variety of resolutions (1024x768 pixels to 800x600, 1366x768, and 1920x1080 displays), and they look great on tablets and smartphones as well. Think about one single Website for desktop and mobile users, which can drastically improve your SEO, with a down side: planning is very time-consuming, plus you don’t get an app, the preferred choice of usage for mobile users. Some organizations start with responsive Web design, before embarking on mobile apps thought.

So who is using what?

There really are no clear trends. For example, Mashable is a great example of terrific responsive Web design, but Staples recently announced plans to deprioritize responsive Web design in favor of building separate mobile sites. Similarly, Facebook regrets betting too much on HTML5 as opposed to native (Sept 2012), Linkedin dumped HTML5 and went native (April 2013), yet enterprise organizations seem to be favoring a more cost-effective HTML5 approach. According to Gartner, the mobile landscape in 2015 will be: Web HTML -20%, native and hybrids app will each represent a 40% of the market.

Whatever route you decide to follow, good luck in your mobile endeavors!

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