China Monitoring Server IP address Change

We are planning to upgrade our monitoring server in China (Hong Kong). So, if you have IP restriction enabled in your server, you have to reconfigure the new server IP address into the allowed IP list. This is to make sure that our requests come through properly. The new IP address of our server is as follows:   China Monit...

Indian monitoring server IP address change

We are in the process of upgrading our Indian monitoring server. As a result, starting from tomorrow, the IP address for this server will change from to

If you have enabled IP restriction in your server, make sure that you add the new IP address into the allowed list. This change is necessary to ensure th...

Automate Actions and Troubleshoot Website Quickly Using Invoke URL Action

Have you ever wondered "Wouldn't it be great to automate certain actions when my website slows down or goes down?" We at Site24x7 have come up with an ingenious solution and we are sure you will like it.

Let’s say you have an online e-commerce store where customers can buy products online. However, during peak ...

New in Site24x7: Analyze Your Web Pages with a Real Browser

We are glad to announce that we have updated our Site24x7 service. This update includes following new features and enhancements such as:

So let me now get into the details of these features.

Site24x7 - Web Client Bug

Update 3: We are happy to announce that we have fixed the issue of accessing data older than 7 days. You can now continue to use Site24x7 account without any difficulty. Update 2: We have completely resolved the web client access issues for all users. However there still are problems accessing reports older than 7 days for around 10...

How-to: Monitor web page content using Site24x7

We get a lot of requests from our users on how to monitor content present in their website. This blog post will explain the benefits of monitoring the content of your website and how to use Site24x7 to monitor the same.

For some of you that would probably be the first question popping in your mind. Right? Isn’t monitoring my ...

Site24x7 April Newsletter - Guard Against Website Hacks and Defacement!

Website hacking and defacement is a constant threat which online businesses face in their day-to-day operations. Despite several advances in internet security, sometimes even the mighty fall to such attacks. While there is no fool-proof method to ensure 100% prevention, the best thing any webmaster can do is to be vigilant.

Using S...

IP address Change in Site24x7 servers

We have upgraded some of our servers, hence IP address of the server got changed.

Site24x7 February Newsletter - Prevent Loss of Credibility with SSL Monitoring


SSL Certificate forms an integral part of an e-commerce website. An expired or invalid SSL certificate will not only drive potential customers away, but will also erode customer confidence and loyalty towards your website. By monitoring SSL certificates, Site24x7 helps prevent loss of credibility and provides peace of mind to we...

IP address change in China monitoring server

We are planning to upgrade our monitoring server in China to a new high end server on January 19, 2011 00:00 AM PDT.