Mobile monitoring versus Web Monitoring

There is no question that mobile is exploding. Just to give you some quick data points, a record 21% of all online 2013 Thanksgiving shopping came via mobile devices (Source: IBM), mobile commerce will be nearly half of e-commerce by 2018 (Source: Goldman Sachs), and mobile apps will generate $77 billion in revenue by 2017 (Source: Gartner).


Today mobile users are visiting your Web or mobile sites and they engage with your brand via your mobile apps, while more employees and partners increasingly rely on enterprise mobile applications (ERP, CRM, HR portals...) to get their work done. Yet don’t be mistaken. If you are only monitoring your Web applications, you are exposing your organization to risk, because when it comes to availability and performance, mobile users have the same levels of expectations than traditional desktop Web users. In fact, just like on the Web desktop world, availability and response time determine mobile user experience, and every second of delay in load time damages revenue, brand and productivity. Therefore, it is no longer a matter of Web monitoring versus mobile monitoring, you need to holistically manage it all (Websites, mobile sites and mobile app). This is why we recently added mobile monitoring capabilities to our Site24x7 Web Performance Monitoring services.

Turn your own device into a monitoring location, inside or outside your datacenter, and proactively monitor mobile Websites, mobile apps and APIs, from the perspective of your users!

With your own device and our new Site24x7 mobile monitoring app you can continuously simulate and measure response time for mobile users accessing your services via Verizon, AT&T and other wireless carriers’ 3G and 4G networks, and get alerted at the first sign of trouble. You can even measure response time for internal-facing enterprise mobile app within enterprise WiFi networks. Get ready to proactively identify Web and mobile issues before your users are impacted, and the first call arrives to your helpdesk! Experience the power of Site24x7: 4 monitoring solutions in 1 view.

Here is how it works:

1. Sign up for a free Site24x7 account, select Site24x7 worldwide monitoring locations, turn your mobile device into a monitoring location (download Site24x7 Mobile Network Poller App) and continuously monitor availability and response time across:

  • Websites and external Web-based applications
  • Internal-facing applications (ERP, CRM, portal, HR, Financial apps...)
  • Mobile websites
  • Mobile apps and APIs
  • Enterprise mobile app

2. Add Site24x7 server monitors to track, analyze and report on key performance indicators across all servers deployed in your datacenter, and get alerted on thresholds violations. For example you can monitor:

  • Web servers
  • Databases
  • Email and exchange servers
  • Application servers
  • Load balancers

3. Deploy Site247 APM Insight to get deep app code visibility. Trace back all your Web transactions from start to finish, and identify under-performing components and slow SQL queries, down to the offending code, in real-time.

4. Configure VMWare and Amazon Gain a complete view of the health, availability and performance of private, public and hybrid clouds. With graphical views, alarms and thresholds, out-of-the-box reports, and comprehensive fault management you can ensure that all your cloud-based applications are performing at peak performance.

Plus, since you get all the information that you need in one view, you can manage your Web and mobile operations with just one solution: Site24x7! Are you ready to see it in action? Sign-up for your free Site24x7 account now! No credit card needed. No long-term commitment. Cancel at any time.

So what are you waiting for?

Good luck with your Web and mobile monitoring!


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