Top sites for women in IT

Blogs have given many millions of women a place to network, share ideas, receive support and raise the profile of global issues. Yet despite the fact females make up the majority of social network users overall, the IT industry itself is still a male dominated field. Trying to change that are a number of female-centric websites focused on emp...

Are you in control of your company's mobile devices?

4 steps to better mobile device management

~If Cisco’s predictions on the number of mobile connected devices 2013 would end with were accurate, there are now more mobile devices on Earth than people. It’s a shocking thought that implies there are over 7 billion devices worldwide.

Moving to the Cloud? Checklist of items you should NOT forget!

It is an exciting time - you are moving to the cloud!

Yet a cloud journey could be challenging and full of bumps if you don’t take the time to document your cloud requirements, performance monitoring plans, and clearly define issue ownership once your deployment is complete.

Multiple Instance Support and App Filter for IIS Instances - Improved .NET Monitoring is Here!

Now, there is no need for you to be in the dark trying to~figure out~how your individual application is performing (highlighting the fact that previously~APM Insight~gave you~cumulative~performance metrics of all your applications together, and monitoring individual application performance is so very critica...

Simple cures for everyday IT headaches

Chuck away the Alka-Selzer, roll up your sleeves and fix common IT faults~with a little

tech-savvy know-how. It’s cheaper than calling in the experts or assigning your PC to the bin.

Introducing the New Pricing Model

The pricing of Site24x7 takes a new direction. We have now introduced a new Pack based pricing model which is simple and fits the monitoring needs of all. The new model introduces ready made pack options for users ranging from small IT teams, DevOps to large enterprises, and if none of our packs suit your specific monitoring needs, then you c...

Super Bowl & Server Monitoring

Another~Super Bowl~Sunday~goes by, and to all the Seahawks fans doubling as system administrators, congratulations. And~ to all the Broncos supporters, there is always next year~to bounce back. Regardless of your team affiliation, however, your task as a system admin is to take care of all the servers that act as the ...

Watch Site24x7 in Action (Video)

Your monitoring companion is here and this time we are giving you a visual representation~of what you can expect from us.~Check out the latest from~Site24x7, a~video~showcasing what we are good at, the features that we offer and how Site24x7 makes the lives of~IT operations teams across SMBs and Enterprises much ...

Strategies for disaster proofing your data

‘Hope for the best, prepare for the worst’. It’s a phrase~every business should take heed of, particularly when safeguarding company data. With failure to protect data frequently~leading to disruption and substantial losses,~here are four~quick and easy ways to protect your business from disaster:

Site24x7 Launches First Free Cloud Service to Monitor Your On-Premise Monitoring Products

PLEASANTON, Calif. — January 21, 2014 —~Site24x7, the cloud infrastructure monitoring service from ManageEngine, today announced the launch of the first free, cloud-based service to monitor traditional on-premise network, system, and application monitoring products. This new service enables IT groups to monitor the monitors t...