How did Site24x7 monitor your infrastructure in 2021?

2021 was not much different from 2020 concerning the pandemic. However, it did give many the opportunity to focus on the way forward with offices around the globe opening up, at least partially. At Site24x7, we also started to focus on monitoring other IT components along with remote work infrastructure. Grab a look at our infrastructure moni...

Site24x7 end-user experience monitoring: 2021 in a nutshell

From coping with life during a pandemic, to getting updated for the new virus variants, to witnessing a major outage of the social media stalwart, to rebuilding hope with the vaccines, 2021 has been an eventful year. We, at Zoho, managed to run our services smoothly in a hybrid mode with employees working from home as well as from our offices...

2021: The new working model is hybrid

As the world is trying to regain its usual pace, we at Site24x7 have been engrossed in churning out new features to help organizations enhance the health of their IT resources and meet their evolving monitoring needs.

We've drafted a summary of notable features to look back on our achievements this year. We extended our monitoring ...

State of IT Management Survey Report 2020-21

As we continue to adapt following the pandemic, which has impact us all both personally and professionally, we take this moment to commemorate the IT veterans we've lost to the pandemic.

With the pandemic drastically changing the way we do business, we have conducted a study to understand the state of IT management at the height of...

How to improve the customer service experience through status pages

With the 2021 holiday season right around the corner and the COVID-19 pandemic still prevalent, businesses are being conducted online now more than ever. The holiday rush also comes with incidents like websites going down, slow load times, and even possible hacking attempts.

While planning to tackle the sudden increase in website traffi...

5 lessons from the October 2021 Facebook outage

On October 4, 2021, Facebook services went off the grid gradually, and then suddenly at 15:39 UTC. It took nearly six hours to restore service to normal. With over 3.5 billion users facing a lengthy downtime using one or multiple products from Facebook, Inc. (now known as Meta Platforms, Inc.) conversations flooded the internet...

Digital experience and digital experience platforms, defined

Usually, people want a seamless experience when they interact with any organization. Whether a B2B or B2C interaction, the expectation is the same.

In our world today, it's nearly impossible to interact with an organization without using technology. When a person interacts with an organization via a digital medium, it can be termed...

What is OpenTelemetry: A guide to understanding OpenTelemetry and the way forward

OpenTelemetry is a vendor-neutral approach that enables DevOps and developers to collect performance metrics in a standardized manner. Currently a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) sandbox project, OpenTelemetry was conceived by merging OpenCensus, Google's open-source method of collecting metrics and traces, and OpenTra...

Sending SMS alerts with Site24x7

You already know Site24x7 can send you SMS alerts whenever your website runs into any problem. Now here is a step-by-step guide to set up SMS alerts within Site24x7. Step A: Add SMS contact

1. Click 'Add SMS contact' link under 'Alerts' tab.

Cannot connect to a website in Vietnam? Try these steps if your website is not accessible.

On September 4, 2021 a major submarine cable broke down in Vietnam causing network connectivity issues for a large portion of the population. Organizations hosted online and those with data centers outside those perimeters were hit the worst with most of their applications down or running extremely slow.

Asia-Africa-Europe 1 (AAE-1...