Shrink your IT budgets, not your observability needs

Are you getting value for every dollar spent on IT monitoring tools? Amidst the prevailing global economic turbulence, budgets are shrinking, and every dollar spent counts. However, Gartner forecasts a 5.1% growth in worldwide IT spending for 2023. Enterprises implement digital technologies to cope with layoffs and keep their systems up. The mil...

404 error pages: Examples and best practices for custom 404 error pages

A 404 error page, commonly known as a page not found or simply a 404 page, indicates that a user has arrived at the requested site, but the URL is empty.

Let's look at the URL address as an example.

Site24x7 integrates with Zoho Directory for a simple, secure, and native user access management

User management poses a significant challenge to business and IT teams alike. Privacy and compliance regulations necessitate restricted access to critical production environments along with any IT tools used within the organization. When personnel transition to new roles, organizations, or departments that no longer require access to production ...

Why is Capacity Planning crucial for running your business?

Businesses are successful when their resources are aligned with their capacity. No business can afford to have their resources run at full capacity, because at that point, any increases past the capacity would lead to increasing failures. Capacity Planning is an action plan to ensure there's enough spare capacity to handle any increases ...

Avoid outages in your AWS environment with Site24x7

AWS services have faced many outages in the past and the impact of these outages is well known in the tech world. Multiple AWS services are affected during such scenarios, which drastically impact customers and businesses. When business-critical applications are hosted on AWS, it becomes necessary for businesses to adopt fool-proof methods to...

All you need to know about SSL certificate expiration

With copious amounts of data getting added across online platforms, safeguarding data and ensuring a secure environment are concerns among business entities.

To offer a secure and reliable service, you need to identify loopholes, implement preventive measures to thwart attacks, and ensure customer data privacy. You need a valid Secure S...

Achieve observability with Site24x7 and AWS Lambda Telemetry API integration

The Lambda Telemetry API empowers users to integrate monitoring and observability tools like Site24x7 with their Lambda functions. Site24x7 is an AWS-reviewed Lambda Service Ready Program Partner and is announced as a launch partner in AWS Lambda Telemetry API feature release. Customers, AWS partners, and the serverless community can use the ...

7 log management challenges and solutions

Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes famously said, "You see, but you do not observe." Collecting application logs exhaustively and interpreting them to support business objectives are two different things. Application logs, also called app logs, event logs, and audit trails, are automatically generated records of computational...

How to Diagnose Why Your Linux Server Crashed?

Although Linux servers are known to be reliable, occasionally computers fail. While an occasional system crash might not seem like much, in an enterprise setting, accurately diagnosing the cause of system failures is a must because a system failure can be an indicator of significant underlying software or hardware problems. While troubleshoot...

3 key benefits that prove OpenTelemetry is the future of APM

Application performance monitoring (APM) solutions were designed to catch anomalies in an application or website's backend and provide meaningful insights to rectify issues in real time. Lately, though, APM solution providers have been left playing catch-up to be more inclusive of newly emerging technologies and the operational...