Help Docs

Compare Reports

Analyze your reports with insightful data by comparing the application's performance over a specific time period. Comparing Reports enables you to identify redundant errors and remove potential bottlenecks.

To Compare Reports:

  1. Click on APM > APM Insight Dashboard
  2. Choose the Application / Instance > Click on Time period Drop down > Choose Custom Date
  3. Enter the respective date and Time period. Check on " Compare To " option and enter the date against which data has to be compared. Click Apply
  4. Click on the graph to inspect further about the respective metrics


  1. The Overview tab provides a comprehensive outlook on metrics that are being compared, namely, Apdex Score, Average Response Time, Throughput, App Server Split Up, Exception Split Up and HTTP Error Split Up. 
  2. Click on the individual graphical plots or bar graphs to find out more about the respective metrics

Web Transaction:

  1. This tab lists out all transactions for the chosen dates in the respective time period
  2. Individual transaction details can be viewed by clicking upon the respective transactions


  1. This tab lists out database operations for the chosen dates in the respective time period
  2. Click on the respective Database operation to view detailed information about it


  1. This tab lists out background transactions for the chosen dates in the respective time period
  2. Details on individual transactions can be viewed by clicking upon the respective transactions


  1. The exceptions tab lists out the Top exceptions, Error Codes, Transaction Split up by Error codes and Exceptions
  2. Transaction Split ups are represented by graphical bar codes
  3. Click on the respective exception to view detailed information about it

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