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New monitoring Location Request

If you need Site24x7 to support a new monitoring location in addition to what is already supported, please post it here. 

We will try to support it based on the demand. Please vote  by "Like"ing for a location if its already asked for in this post.
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Replies (29)

We need a location for Shenzen China

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Hello Johny, 

I apologize for a delay. 

We do have a plan to expand our monitoring networks and "Shenzen China" location will be available in any one of our future updates. Right now, I might not be able to confirm any timeline and will update you on this thread once we have a monitoring server on this location. 


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On a side note ... There should be at minimum 3 locations per sub-region...

Example, in the Downtime Rules it is a suggested to use a minimum for 3 locations to avoid false alerts, however, for  example:

In Brazil, there are only 2 locations that can be used for monitoring a site in Brazil or even worst in Israel as there is only one location there; while in the USA there are 17 locations.


Just my 2 cents tho.

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Thailand please

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Hi Patrick,

Our apologies for missing to update this thread. We added a new location for Bangkok, Thailand recently over the last few weeks. We hope this meets your monitoring requirements. 




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We will prefer to have more Monitoring Locations in Africa


Cairo, Egypt 

Nairobi, Keyna

Dakar, Senegal


and others

and other hardship countries like





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We need to add monterrey and more locations near monterry,could you please suggest on this

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Mexico City!!! PLEEEEAASE!!!

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We have added Mexico City as one of the Monitoring location.

Product Manager, Site24x7

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Hello Site24x7, 

We are based of Qatar and due to regional tensions, we look for having services locally from Qatar. 

Can you please have services locally to be available from Qatar, Initially, we are planning for monitoring 2 websites and as the days passes, we will increase...

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Thanks for raising your request here. I assume you want to monitor from the city Doha. We will check the feasibility of adding it as one of our monitoring locations and update here when there is a clear timeline. 

I would also ask our community members to upvote (click on the like button) the city thats requested so that we can take decisive action on it.


Product Manager, Site24x7

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We would like to have additionals locations for Chile and for PerĂº.



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We have added Santiago, Chile & Lima, Peru to our monitoring locations profile.

Product Manager, Site24x7

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Hi, we would need a second location in Poland.



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Requesting support for

Porto Rico

U.S. Virgin Islands.



(ie. alerts if it DOES respond, this is to be used to validate that SSH and NTP do NOT respond from sources outside my ACL)


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Hi, we would need a new location in Spain aside from Barcelona & Madrid. Seville or Bilbao would be good candidates. 

Thanks a lot,


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We need a location for Rome Italy.

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Hi Francesco,

   Thank you for raising new location request. We will check on the feasibility and support this if possible.


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any news?



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Dear Francesco, 

   We haven't found any credible service providers that have reliable servers in Rome, Italy so far. If you have some credible do share it with us. We'll evaluate them.


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   Is it possible to have a monitor location in Dominican Republic? Any chance when this could be done?

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Hi there,

   Which city are you looking at? Santo Domingo?


Site24x7, PM

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Hi Jasper:

  Yes, I'm locate in Santo Domingo.

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Hi There,

  We haven't found any service providers having servers in Santo Domingo. The nearest location server we have is in Medellin, Columbia. You can configure that as one of your locations. 

If you know any local providers who are reliable do let us know. We'll take a look at them. 


Site24x7, PM


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Hi Jasper:

  We have several local providers than you can use, some of them are: claro, wind telecom, altice.


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What requirements do you have in order to achieve this: If you know any local providers who are reliable?

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Hello Team, 

Our applications are running on the below regions but currently monitoring locations are not available in these countries to check app availability and application performance.

We request to add these locations. It will make sense to monitor from the respective locations where our apps are used.

  • Africa: IVC/Cote D'Ivore, Uganda, Togo, Nigeria, Ghana, Chad, Cameroon, Domestic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Egypt, Mozambique, Congo Brazza, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Zambia, Gabon.
  • Asia: Cambodia, East Timor, Laos, Papua New Guinea.
  • Central America: Hondrous, Guatemala, Nicaragua.
  • North America: Dominican Republic
  • South America: Ecuador.

Thank You!

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Hi, we need a location in Slovakia, Bratislava as the capital city will be the best choice.

Thanks a lot!

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Thank you for raising new location request. We will check on the feasibility and support this if possible.




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