Understanding User-Centric Metrics in Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM)

User experience holds the utmost importance, and closely monitoring the digital experience from the user's standpoint is essential for achieving success. User-centric metrics offer invaluable insights into how users interact with digital platforms and enables businesses to optimize performance, enhance satisfaction, and drive growth. In this blo...

Scaling success: Navigating the challenges of autoscaled applications with Site24x7 APM Insight

Have you ever found yourself wishing for a magical solution to handle the unpredictable ebb and flow of user traffic on your cloud-hosted platforms? Organizations today face the ever-present challenge of effectively managing fluctuating levels of traffic on their platforms. Enter application autoscaling, a concept in modern resource management t...

Understanding Failover Clusters and their performance issues

In part 1 of this two-part blog about utilizing Failover Clusters in your network to improve performance and availability, we'll uncover how they work, why they are popular for large-scale organizations, and discuss several of the most common issues with them.   In part 2, we'll discover the best troubleshooting strategies to address Failov...

8 Kubernetes application performance monitoring challenges and how to solve them

Kubernetes is a widely-adopted platform that manages the containers that host an application. Instead of handling nodes and containers individually, it groups all workloads as orchestrated layers. This abstraction simplifies the overall complexities involved, making the application easier to manage. While Kubernetes is efficient in optimizing us...

Google's latest email policy and safer, more secure inboxes

In 2022, a staggering 333 billion emails were sent daily. According to data released by Google, unauthenticated messages received by Gmail users plummeted by 75%. This significant reduction prompted Google to introduce new policies aimed at creating a safer and less cluttered inbox experience.

From February 2024, users are expected...

Website tracking and all you need to know

All you need to know about website tracking What is website tracking?  Website tracking refers to the practice of monitoring and collecting data on users' activities and behaviors when they visit a website. Various tools and technologies are employed to track and analyze this information. The primary goal of website tracking is to gain insi...

7 ways to find and fix digital user frustration signals

Earning a customer's trust is tough, but losing it is unbelievably easy. That is why when a customer is happy, they stay for longer. A 2019 Accenture consumer survey of over 20,000 users across 19 countries revealed that a significant 47% of users avoid businesses that frustrate them with the user experience. Interestingly, an equal 47% said the...

10 best practices to achieve Kubernetes resilience for enterprises

Resilience has more than one meaning, but the one we typically think of is the capability to withstand a crisis when it strikes and be equipped to face higher challenges. Building and adopting resilient technological solutions is the need of today's modern businesses. An enterprise fortified with resilience is well-equipped to face any unforesee...

Track events in real time: Enhance monitoring with proactive log analysis

Preventing issues through proactive log analysis is more advantageous than reacting to problems with troubleshooting when they occur. Logs can act as a powerful source for proactive monitoring, and configuring the right alerts can ensure that you are notified about critical events in advance. In this blog post, we'll unveil a few suggestions for...

Navigate memory management challenges in MongoDB with Site24x7

Effective memory management is crucial for optimal MongoDB performance and helps ensure seamless database operations and user experience. Allocating enough memory lets the database store frequently used data and indexes in RAM and cut down on disk I/O operations. This boosts query response times and system responsiveness. Poor memory management ...