US Election coverage and use of technology

The US Presidential election 2008 was a truly global event. Barack Obama's victory was followed with great interest across the world and was an amazing occasion. What was even more amazing was the election coverage on major tv networks and the technology they used to show results. All major tv networks in the US such as CNN, Fox, NBC and CBS covered the election extensively, with to-the-minute updates of election results as and when they happened. The technology and gadgets on display were mindblowing, to say the least. Everything from touchscreen to high-definition plasma screens were used to display election results and maps. CNN's 3D software was able to display up-to-the minute results of each state's elections with a simple touch of the screen of their reporting system.~ They also used virtual holograms using 3-D technology to appear to talk to virtual correspondents in the CNN studio.


NBC News and MSNBC were using BrainStorm's 3-D system to combine virtual reality with an innovative camera rig that's only been used in the movies up to now. Other networks also used 3-D technology and touchscreens in a big way. We must say,~the use of latest technology in this year election coverage is the best we've seen ever!

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