Top sites for women in IT

Blogs have given many millions of women a place to network, share ideas, receive support and raise the profile of global issues. Yet despite the fact females make up the majority of social network users overall, the IT industry itself is still a male dominated field. Trying to change that are a number of female-centric websites focused on empowering women working within IT and those using it at home or work. This review in celebration of National Women’s Day shares those sites that offer the most informative content, inspiring its viewers to make their life the life they want.

Working team

1. Women in Technology

Women in IT is both a jobsite and portal promoting female employment within the IT and technology industries. While focused on the UK where only 17% of IT professionals are women, its news section provides useful advice to employers and employees.

2. Girls Who Code

Proving coding isn’t just for boys is Girls Who Code which is on a mission to close the gender gap in the technology and engineering sectors. Its aim is to provide computer science education and exposure to a whopping one million young women by 2020.

3. The Glass Hammer

The Glass Hammer is an award winning blog aimed at professional women in finance, law, technology and big business. It aims is to shine the spotlight on smart, successful women and to inform, inspire and empower its growing online community.

4. Corporette

Remember the girls at school that got A* in everything? This is a fashion and lifestyle blog for those overachieving corporate chicks now working in law, banks, IT, consultancy and other high-flying careers.

5. Get Raised

This isn’t just a site for women but it is helping to close the gender pay gap by encouraging underpaid women to ask for a raise. According to the site, 65% of workers who have followed its step-by-step guide and asked for a raise have received, on average, $6,700.

6. Pure Wow

This newcomer to the blogosphere is something of a ‘one stop shop’ for articles on technology, fashion, beauty, health and other topics. Its motto “Elevate the Everyday” is reflected in its eye candy imagery, article choices and fresh magazine feel.

7. Tech Mamas

A California-based site for techie moms and mama marketers, Tech Mamas claims to curate the best of technology and social media for families and offers advice on software, hardware and working from home.

8. Webgrrls

Webgrrls is on a mission to help women achieve in the increasingly technology-based workplace. It helps its audience (98% of which are female) propel their careers and businesses forward through events, networking and by learning new skills. Check out its TechSpeak for Entrepreneurs with advice on communicating, understanding and managing tech teams.

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