Top 5 certifications for data centers and professionals

The~technology~landscape is changing all the time. New codes of conduct and legislation, increasing competition and accountability~all call for a way to assess and review~the way you work.~Enter:~third party accreditation. Helping data centers and public clouds to~perform better, win business~and even change the world~through improved~environmental~procedures,~accreditation isn’t just an option for many~businesses. It’s a must-have for every data center interested in~better best practice.


Here are our pick of the best.

#1 Uptime Institute Tier Certifications

The Uptime Institute is far from reticent about its position. Its tagline claims it~is the Data Center Authority, and~having awarded 236 certifications to companies in~40 countries,~who are we to disagree?~Providing~a~raft~of services to the data center industry and to~data center professionals, this includes education and professional designation to data center design engineers through~the~Accredited Tier Designer~[link operators, architects, and consultants~can also work towards~Accredited Tier Specialist~status~[link]. Four levels of accreditation exist centering around the design, construction and sustainability of data centers.

#2 AICPA: SAS 70

With a name like SAS you’d expect a process that~puts~companies~through its paces, and it does. Designed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the SAS 70 isn’t so much a certificate, but an internationally recognised third party assurance audit for service organisations. It aims to~ensure data centers have the internal controls to manage the design, implementation and execute customer information,~and gives~clients~the reassurance~they need. The method~centers~around three different reports: SOC 1, SOC 2 and the SOC 3 followed by an~SAS 70 audit. This can be independent certified by a public accountant (CPA) or firm that adheres to the standards established by the AICPA.

#3~DCA Data Center~Certification

This new kid on the block is being~dubbed the worldwide ‘MOT’ service for data centers. The implication being that in the same way cars must have an MOT to run, data centers~should too. Where previously only big budget data centers could afford accreditation, the DCA Data Center Certification program aims to provide~an~affordable and independently-audited certification program that pulls together many of the existing guidelines and standards. Attesting the quality, operational integrity, energy efficiency and resilience of the data center~concerned,~DCA~holders~are re-audited every two years.

#4~Telecommunications Industry Association:~TIA 942

This~American national standard~hardly rolls off the tongue, but the Telecommunications Industry Association~Tia-942~is far more straightforward than it sounds. Classed as the industry benchmark for data center design,~the TIA 942~looks at the factors leading to a robust data center: the architecture, electrical, mechanical as well as telecommunication components.~Many see it as an invaluable tool in designing~your data center and maximising~investment~with the advantage of~it~being~an independently-audited certification program.

#5 EU~Code of Conduct in Data Centers

A~new~EU Code of Conduct has been~issued~to address the~environmental and economic impact~of~energy consumption~within data centers.~The~conduct aims~to inform and~motivate~data~center~operators and owners to reduce energy consumption without~costly infrastructure or hindering~business~functions.~While the code is a voluntary initiative, the Chartered Institute of IT~has introduced an Intermediate Certificate in EU Code of Conduct~to tackle~energy cost, power consumption and carbon emissions.~Evidence that you’re reducing your carbon footprint can be vital to joining a company’s preferred supplier lists.

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