The top public cloud vendors - Site24x7 Blog

The top public cloud vendors

In just a few years, cloud computing has gone from being an industry buzzword to entering mainstream lexicon and culture. Its mass adoption means that everything from the applications we use to the files we~create are now facilitated largely by the cloud.~This transition~has led to a wealth of opportunity and~growing number of providers all jockeying to provide businesses with~the resources to create, house and run~the enterprise applications they need. Here’s~our pick of the best.

#1 Amazon Web Services

The right cloud-based provider can be a game changer, housing your business data safely, speedily and cost-effectively while facilitating growth. Providing storage options from just a few pennies a month to renting super-computer-strength power for a staggering $5,000 an hour, Amazon is without doubt the most important cloud player. One of its biggest selling points is that businesses can buy resources on a variable basis. This enables businesses to upscale and downscale flexibly without costly investment in infrastructure. Perfect for today’s parlous economy.

#2 Rackspace

Having the right tools has always been critical to business success. Rackspace public cloud prides itself in offering just that: the tools to~empower businesses to build customisable, scalable applications. From the facility to build secure ecommerce applications and mobile apps to running business apps~from the cloud, Rackspace combines all the must-haves: performance, reliability, security and low cost~with 24/7 hosting via Fanatical Support. Its strong customer service helps give Rackspace competitive advantage.

#3 Google Compute Engine

Google was born in the cloud. Google Compute Engine provides a powerful, affordable solution for workload processing in the cloud. Running on the same advanced technology as its search engines places Google in the lead in~offering~efficient, consistent and powerful performance. Other benefits include tight security, a pay only for what you use pricing~system and workload support with solutions supplied by their ecosystem of partners. Ranked the most efficient data center, it is also the first major Internet services company to gain external certification for its high environmental and workplace standards throughout US and European data centers

#4 NaviSite

All things cloud and beyond. That’s how NaviSite describes itself.~A Time Warner Cable Company (following its buyout in 2011 for a jaw-dropping $230 million) and provider of hosting, application management and managed cloud services for enterprises, the~NaviCloud platform offers a production-ready, secure, fully managed cloud-computing infrastructure for SMBs looking to reduce IT costs and data management headaches.

#5 HP Cloud

Last but by no means least is HP Cloud. Built using HP’s hardware and software, with elements of HP Converged Infrastructure and OpenStack? technology, HP Cloud provides a top-notch public cloud infrastructure, platform services and cloud solutions for developers through to enterprises. Rumour has it HP is planning a revamp which may see it focus on more expensive build-to-fit tech, such as analytics and integration using its own expertise. Its current offering includes robust security, industry leadings SLAs, high availability infrastructure and live, responsive support.

Jump to Public clouds: a game changer for small businesses for more discussions on public clouds

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