Thanking all Beta users

Author: Arun

Last week when we released Site24x7 GA, we also provided our beta users with free $200 credit. We had always wanted to thank our Beta users for their feedback and support during our Beta phase, and this credit was the perfect way of doing so.

We had also mentioned about a special discount offer that we have for users who signed up before our GA - a discount of 70% on the first payment, valid if they upgrade within 2 weeks of GA release.

Both these offers have come in for a lot of praise from our Beta users and many users are upgrading their accounts. Thanks for everything, guys!

And one common question that has been doing the rounds with our support team is:

"As a beta user, if I upgrade my account, do I still get the $200 credit available to me?"

The answer is 'Yes'. You can use the $200 credit even after upgrading your account.

So just to summarize, our Beta users will get

  • $200 free credit.
  • 70% discount on first payment (available until March 23, 2007)

  • They can use the $200 credit even after upgrade.

(Note: Original post updated for clarity)

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