Site24x7 update: Revamped web client and more

We had been working on a new look for the Site24x7 web client over the past few weeks. Sometime last month, we had also given a sneak peek of the interface to our blog readers.  Now we’ve just rolled out this new interface to all our user accounts.

So what’s new in the new interface?

Well, to start with, you might notice our brand new logo and the overall green theme which is in sync with our website.  But that’s not all. There are overall improvements to usability and navigation which will let you access your metrics quicker.

The ‘monitor details’ page has also undergone a transformation as you can see below.

Apart from the UI change, this update packs in some enhancements such as

  • A new Traceroute tool that helps you generate traceroute from all our monitoring locations to your server.
  • API enhancement: The ability to set user agent, headers and authentication credentials while adding the monitor.
  • New monitoring locations in New York, Los Angeles, Denver, Kansas and Munich (Germany).

You can take a look at the new interface and the other enhancements by logging into your Site24x7 account. Everything you loved in our earlier interface is intact, but presented in a fresher look and feel. We believe you will find it intuitive, user friendly and of course faster than before!  Look forward to your comments and valuable suggestions.

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