Site24x7 Newsletter- Introducing Site24x7 App for Android

Site24x7 Newsletter - April 2012

Site24x7 Android App

Track availability and performance

Now easily track the availability and performance of your websites from multiple locations across the globe. Identify performance issues faster and take corrective actions before it affects your customers.


Get instant alerts via Push Notification

Receive instant alerts on your Android phone via push notification. All you have to do is register for push notification and receive instant alerts for any perfromance or downtime issue.


Analyze downtime via Root Cause Analysis

Zero-in on what caused the downtime based on webpage screen shots, Traceroute, ping analysis and DNS analysis. Now get down to fix the problem right away.

Key Upcoming Features
Here are some of the interesting features we will be coming up with in the near future:
  • Site24x7 iPhone App
  • PagerDuty Integration
  • Ability to configure individual alerts for various Disk partitions
  • Ability to monitor services running within your Windows Server
  • Option to customize and share website performance reports
  • And a lot more...

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