Site24x7 Monitoring Network goes more Global - Site24x7 Blog

Site24x7 Monitoring Network goes more Global

Author: ArunAlong with our Enterprise Account release last month, we also added more monitoring locations to our global monitoring network. These locations include Seattle, Chicago & Dallas in the United States, Germany in Europe, Australia, and South Africa in the African continent. This now takes our location count into the double digit figures, its on 12 right now. If you wonder what this means to users, well, it means our users can now monitor the uptime & performance of their business-critical websites from up to 12 different geographical locations, just to make sure their sites are accessible and performing well from across the world. With the addition of new monitoring locations, our monitoring network now has a more global outlook. We have monitoring servers in almost every continent, except for South America. Our South American users, however, need not feel left out. We do have plans to introduce servers in your continent very soon. We've taken care to use only the best hosting providers and hardware in all our monitoring locations. To ensure uninterrupted monitoring from our monitoring servers, please make sure your firewalls allow all requests coming with user agent "Site 24 X 7". More info on our monitoring network here.

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