Site24x7 December Newsletter - Wish You Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Site24x7 Newsletter - October 2010

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Wish You a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year

2010 Site24x7 Review | Did You Know? | Customer Speak

2010 Site24x7 Review ...

As the year 2010 comes to an end, we would like to thank you all for your continuing patronage for Site24x7. Here is a quick review about the features we have released so far.

Monitor SSL Certificates - Monitor SSL certificates and get alerted before they expire.

Monitor SMTPS, POPS, IMAPS, DNS and Port - Multi-location monitoring support introduced.

Traceroute Tool - Troubleshoot network problems using Traceroute tool .

Ping Monitor - Check server and network component availability using Ping monitoring tool .

New Webmaster Tools such as Server header, link checker, code cleaner, HTML validator, etc were introduced.

Customized Alert Email Template - Create/edit alert template and include custom messages in the alert template.

Automated Corrective Actions - Reduce physical interaction and enable automated corrective actions to get your website back online.

Additional Monitoring Locations - Added 11 different monitoring locations for you to choose from.

Twitter Integration For Alerts - Get alerted via Twitter when your website goes down and act before your end-user is affected.

Mobile Device Access - Ultra-light, smartphone-friendly HTML Site24x7 client introduced.

Improved support to add and monitor websites through API and much more .

Multi-location Mail Server Monitoring

Mail Server is the nerve center of any IT based industry. Without communication, the company is thrown into chaos. Hence, maintaining the mail server and ensuring high uptime becomes a key challenge for any IT Administrator.

Through Site24x7, you can monitor mail server's uptime status and its response time from multiple locations and ensure that the service is up and running across various field (branch) offices.

Did You Know?

Using our Code cleaner tool, you can remove broken HTML and unused tags. This tool will help clean web pages faster resulting in better SEO.

Customer Speak ...
" We've been using Site24x7 to monitor our website and DNS from a 'users eye view'. The service lets us know very quickly if there are any probl

ems. It also helps us ensure our change control processes for both DNS and website alterations are being adhered to. We're really pleased with the way the service works and with the support we get from the team."

- Mr Tim Kipps,

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