Site24x7 - An Ecommerce branding perspective

E-Commerce is one Industry which has grown exponentially over the year and is expected to continue doing so over the years. Find out how Site24x7 can help you in establishing a thriving online business establishment.

E-Commerce - Industry Overview:

According to a recent study by, Online retail is expected to account for nearly 8.8 percent of overall retail sales this year. In monetary terms, the value of online retail is expected to exceed 2.4 trillion USD. By 2018, nearly 50 percent of  internet users are expected to shop online. The frequency and net value of purchases by online shoppers is also getting much higher. The survey points out that one out of every four online shoppers shops online at least once a week. This has incentivized most traditional brick and mortar stores to create their own online presence as well.

With  established retailers slowly moving in, the e-commerce sphere is marked by fierce competition. Due to this competition, there seems to be very little difference between the players in the market-  every retailer seems to offer steep discounts, promise swift delivery, and develop their own mobile apps. In such a competitive climate, what can you do to differentiate your brand from the others? What can you promise to make customers stick with you in an industry where brand loyalty is almost non-existent? In short, how do you build your brand?

How to build your brand in e-commerce :  

The answer is actually quite obvious. You build your brand in e-commerce just as you build one in any other business - providing your customer an excellent experience. In e-commerce, how people experience a brand is focused around websites and mobile apps. An important aspect of e-commerce branding is the usability of your website and mobile app, and how easily customers can find what they are looking for and make a purchase. Imagine your website goes down in certain locations, or an aspect of the transaction process isn't working. These details can affect the way your customers rate your brand. A flaw in the website could mean losing a customer for good. Having a simplistic, yet unobtrusive website and mobile app experience can go a long way in retaining a loyal customer base. But maintaining this approach is easier said than done. To put it more simply, executing this approach would have taken you ages, if not for a robust monitoring solution like Site24x7. 

Ensure availability when and where the customer needs:

With Site24x7's website performance monitoring, proactively monitor the uptime and performance of your IPv4/IPv6-enabled websites. Site24x7 makes sure you're alerted immediately when your site goes down, no matter where it happens, and an immediate fix is enabled and enables you to fix it immediately.

Simulate the entire end- user experience from over 60 monitoring locations spanning six continents and 30 countries to get a geo-centric perspective of your web application's availability and performance. See how your web application behaves in different locations, and compare that data to identify user behavior trends .

View an elaborate technical overview showing how Site24x7 can help optimize website performance here .

Troubleshoot your applications to ensure optimal performance:

Break down transactions  to check the response times of CSS, Java Script, and AJAX calls whenever a web page loads. Site24x7 also enables you to track  third-party script response times to ensure they don't affect end users. 

Once your website is up and running, you can constantly gauge the application user experience in real time using Site24x7 . Analyze and segment the performance by browser, platform, geography, ISP, and more. Browser-based metrics help you to understand if new application updates affect web page performance when accessed via a specific browser type or version. Site24x7 RUM supports various versions of Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer.



Another crucial factor of e-commerce reputation is the mobile app experience. Nearly 50 percent of e-commerce transactions happen over mobile devices. Site24x7 Mobile APM   helps you tackle performance issues to build effective mobile apps on iOS and Android. With Mobile APM , you can monitor user experience on mobile apps, segment the app performance across devices and carriers, troubleshoot any issues across the development stack, and much more . All you have to do is add the Site24x7 Mobile APM agent to your code while developing your mobile app.


It is evident that perfection and reliability are key to succeeding in today's e-commerce industry. Monitoring your services using Site24x7 is sure to help you attain greater customer satisfaction, and will help you provide users with exactly the kind of shopping experience they desire. 

Try out our 30-day free trial now.

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