Scheduling daily/weekly uptime and performance reports

Author: ArunSite24x7's daily / weekly reports are a great way to keep tabs on the uptime and performance of your web sites, applications and mail servers. You just need to configure monitors one time within your Site24x7 account and these reports will start coming right to your mailbox. So you need not login to Site24x7 to know the status of your sites. A recent enhancement that we made to this section is the ability to schedule these reports at a date/time of your choice. In the case of daily reports, you can set up the time when you want the report to be emailed to you. For weekly reports, you can set the date and time when the report will be emailed.

Accounts reports

To enable this scheduling, you just need to navigate to the 'Reports' section under the 'Accounts' tab, and select the date/time when these daily/weekly reports need to be emailed. We introduced this enhancement based on user feedback. More such usability enhancements are on the way, so keep your feedback coming in!!

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