Price Changes to 60-minute Monitors

Author: ArunWe've marginally increased the price of some of our monitors recently. This price change is applicable only to website, DNS, mail server and web page analyzer monitors with monitoring intervals of 60 minutes or above. As per the new rates, a website monitor at 60-minute interval will cost $1/month for Standard account users and $3/month for Premium account users. A 60-minute mail server monitor and a 60-minute web page analyzer monitor will now cost $4/month each. A DNS monitor at 60-minute monitoring interval will now cost $1/month. There is no change in the price of monitors with monitoring intervals lesser than 60 minutes.~ For our current users, the new prices will be effective from their next payment cycle onwards. The details of the new rates can be seen from our pricing page. The reason for this marginal price increase ($0.5/month) is to factor in increased operational costs (credit card transaction costs) and to make our billing simpler for users. Do contact our support team directly if you have any questions.

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