[New Feature] Record and playback multistep user interactions via a real browser for applications hosted on your private network

We are pleased to announce that the real browser synthetic monitor (RBM) from Site24x7 can now run or test from an On-premise poller (Linux). With this new feature, RBM capabilities will include recording and simulating critical user interactions on applications hosted within your enterprise?s intranet.



Real Browser synthetic monitor.

Real browser synthetic monitoring helps you actively monitor the availability and performance of web applications. You can simulate step-by-step critical user interaction on a real browser at predetermined intervals from global monitoring locations and detect application performance issues.

What it can do for before.

  • Record critical user transactions as web scripts using the recorder tool.
  • Render the webpage on a real browser and measures end-to-end download time of CSS, images, Ajax calls, and third-party elements in your java script.
  • Execute the scripted actions at regular intervals from global monitoring locations.
  • Notify~you when transaction delays or failures occur.
  • Continuously and automatically monitors the availability and performance of your web applications.

The need for the feature enhancement

Our real browser synthetic monitor can check the behavior and performance of web applications, online HTML login forms, and multi-step user transactions present in e-commerce sites, but what if you wanted to check the health, performance, and functionality of applications deployed across corporate networks and intranets?

With the new feature enhancement, you can install the on-premise poller on your private network, record user transactions on applications and play them back on a real browser at regular intervals.


Now consider these scenarios where our new feature can come in handy.


Scenario 1 : Test from outside and within your datacenter.




Imagine a scenario where you want to monitor the login and functionality of your web application, so you record the critical steps you want, and save them as web scripts. Once donethe Real browser monitor will playback the transactions from global locations, but there is one limitation, the load balancer sitting in front of your application may route the incoming request from the RBM monitor to any one of the application servers in the backend. So the RBM monitor may end up monitoring transactions on any one of app servers, thus increasing the odds of finding an issue.


With the new feature enhancement you can deploy our on-premise poller on your internal private network and perform the same synthetic test on every application server which serves the request, thus double checking application availability and performance.


Scenario 2 : The Test and Production environment.


Before moving into production, developers often deploy their code in a test environment for rigorous quality analysis and testing. Many customer-facing online applications are first deployed within the internal environment before general availability. Site24x7 aids continuous development and testing by ensuring the following:


  • The application is available and is working as expected.
  • The new feature enhancement added to the current build hasn't broken anything.
  • The performance of the application is at the optimum level.

This will help you analyze your application's performance from the data center perspective before it goes live.

Scenario 3 : An organization providing IT services.

Suppose you are an enterprise providing IT services, chances are that you'll have a number of applications hosted on your private network used to service both your customers and your employees. Site24x7's real browser monitor with on-premise poller capability lets you determine:

  • If the self service portal or help desk deployed is available, functional, and performing as expected.
  • If the application meets SLA compliance.

To learn more about how and why you should start monitoring web applications running on both the internet and intranet, read about Site24x7's synthetic monitoring and on-premise poller.


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