Multiple Instance Support and App Filter for IIS Instances - Improved .NET Monitoring is Here!

Now, there is no need for you to be in the dark trying to~figure out~how your individual application is performing (highlighting the fact that previously~APM Insight~gave you~cumulative~performance metrics of all your applications together, and monitoring individual application performance is so very critical). Read along to find out the latest additions to Site24x7 APM Insight .NET Monitoring.

Monitor individual~applications~hosted on your IIS - Multiple Instance Support

With this new update to~APM Insight .NET monitoring, you can keep a tab on the performance of individual~applications~hosted under your IIS server.~This feature lets you view all the applications under an IIS~as a separate monitor~and the performance metrics pertaining to each application is also displayed individually in the~Monitor Summary~screen~inside your Site24x7 account.


If your IIS server hosts 10 applications, then you will have a choice of having 10~separate~monitors~created in your APM Insight account, compared to a single consolidated~ monitor as was the case before. Now you don't have to be in the dark on how your individual applications are performing in a~multi~application scene.

So, whats the advantage?

Multi-Instance~support is advantageous when~you are hosting critical web services such as a~payment service or an~ e-commerce service in your server, you might want to keep a tab on how the~ individual service is performing with respect to

  • Application Response Time - To help you~rationalize~your app server
  • Apdex Scores - Communicate end-user satisfaction to your line of business
  • Throughput -To keep a tab on the total~~number of requests the application server has received per minute
  • Request Count - Gives you statistics on the no. of times your applications is being called
  • DB Queries - To get detailed performance metrics to identify slow database calls, database usage and overall performance of the database

Now, with the support for multiple instances, you get to know exactly~ how some of your critical services under IIS are functioning.

Choose what you want to monitor - App Filter

Another enhancement to the solution is the "App Filter" feature, that lets you choose individual application that you would want to monitor in your IIS server. This acts as a perfect complement to the multiple instance support feature. You can now view individual application metrics on your console making application monitoring a cake walk.

With this new feature you get the~flexibility to add or remove monitoring of applications hosted under an IIS server. A~ brand~new intuitive interface displays all the applications under an IIS and you can choose the applications that need to be monitored using simple check boxes.

Experience these latest feature enhancements and let us know what you think.~Sign Up now for a free 30 day free trial.

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