Moving to the Cloud? Checklist of items you should NOT forget!

It is an exciting time - you are moving to the cloud!

Yet a cloud journey could be challenging and full of bumps if you don’t take the time to document your cloud requirements, performance monitoring plans, and clearly define issue ownership once your deployment is complete.


Want to avoid business disruptions, escalation calls to your Helpdesk, and unsatisfied end-users? Here are some quick notes to help get to smooth sailing. Just print it out and review it with the team.

Moving to the Cloud - ChecklistYesNoNot Sure
Prior to moving to the cloud
Do we have a Cloud Requirement Plans reviewed/approved by all stakeholders (development, IT, business sponsors, etc.)?
Have we triaged and optimized our applications?
Do we have a Web performance baseline to benchmark and compare once our cloud migration is complete?
Are we moving sensitive data to the cloud? If so, what protection mechanisms do we have in place to meet compliance regulations? Are we prepared to handle vulnerabilities with a multi-tenancy architecture?
Have we defined our failover policies?
Do we know our cloud provider SLAs and how we will track and verify it once we are fully operational in the cloud?
Once migration is complete
Do we have a plan to proactively monitor our Website performance? Do we have to adjust our performance monitoring plans?
Have we benchmarked our Web performance and compare with our initial baseline?
Are we monitoring that Website content properly displays in real browsers?
Are we instrumenting Web application code to detect potential bottlenecks or underperforming components at a granular level?
Who is overseeing cloud usage? Do we have some guidelines/reminders to retire temporary processing resources when no longer needed to avoid overpaying for cloud capacity?
Are we monitoring our Amazon cloud instances in real-time? Do we have a plan for dealing with SLAs violations or outages?
Are we monitoring Web performance for 3rd party components and services (DNS, external Website components such as ads, marketing analytics…)?
Do we need to revise our alerting policies? Do we have the right teams in our incident response procedures?
Is our website offering consistent response time across geographies? If so, do we have a performance remediation plan in place?
Do we have any business expansion plans targeting new regions? Have we checked web performance in those regions?
Have we defined our new reporting structure, templates, distribution list, frequency…?
Are there any specific concerns that should be addressed with business counterparts and other stakeholders? Should we setup periodic check-points meetings to ensure all is working well?
Do we know how our website performance compares with our competition?

What would you add to this list?

Here at Site24x7 we offer Web Performance Monitoring delivered from the cloud.

Regardless of where you are, planning a cloud migration, in the midst of a migration or fully running in the cloud, Site24x7 has you covered. Check it out!

Sign up for a free trial. Have a safe journey to the cloud!

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