Monitoring your websites from wherever you are - Site24x7 Blog

Monitoring your websites from wherever you are

We came across two articles about Site24x7 recently and want to share them with our readers. The first one is from DB Virtual Services blog and the post is titled "Monitor your websites from wherever you are". This one is a quick review of Site24x7 and gives a brief idea of what webmasters and website owners can accomplish with Site24x7. Here are a few excerpts from the article:

~Do you manage a personal or business website? Do you know if your website is up and running when you’re not online and monitoring yourself the site? Today, we’ll review an important and useful service that will allow you to monitor your website, services and servers around the globe and be notified the uptime and performance of your websites. Let’s review: Site24�7.

You can read the full article here. The second article is in the Techmixer website. This one is actually a compilation of some of the free website monitoring services available today and the list includes Site24x7 among other services. Here are a few excerpts:

Subscribe monitoring website uptime is essential services for every webmaster. With the website uptime monitoring services, you can earlier aware the downtime of your website and take necessary step to overcome the downtime problem.

Most of us nowadays own a blog and when it comes to high traffic load, we cannot actually say when will the website/blog server goes down. Without a proper web monitoring service, it would be difficult to check the uptime of the server and which in turn would end up losing visitors and monetization revenue for the blog.

Site 24 X 7 offer free two website monitoring for their free account every 60 minutes or above. The URL address uptime and performance will be monitor from multiple geographical locations. Plus you will get email/SMS alerts and reports. Beside that, Site 24 X 7 also monitor DNS servers & email server round-trip time

You can read the full article here. Have you come across any blog post or article about Site24x7? If so, please feel free to share with us.

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