Monitoring Web Transactions

Author: Arun

Have you heard Bob's story?

Bob used to sell his merchandise online, through his online store. He said the store was open 24x7, always available. Customers can visit anytime they like and order anything they want. Customers really liked this idea, business prospered, and Bob was happy.

One day visitors to Bob's store were greeted with a strange kind of problem. They couldn't add anything to the shopping cart. They kept trying, but the problem never went away. They couldn't even login. They got livid, upset at being made to look silly. What a waste of time, they thought! They decided to go to another store, and decided never to come back. After all, there are thousands of such stores on the web. Some of them even shooed away other visitors.

The funny thing here is whilst all this happened to his store, Bob never even knew about it. He kept looking at his website and it was working fine. After sometime, he noticed that no orders are coming, and then he realized something was wrong. By then it was too late, Bob had already lost out on money, trust, and potential business.

Now imagine the same thing happening to your online store. Scary thought, isn't it?

Don't worry. Site24x7 can help. It has 'Web Transaction Monitors' and it won't let this happen to your store.

A web transaction monitor all the web transactions in your website. All you need to do is record a particular sequence of user actions using the Transaction Recorder tool. Site24x7 will then keep performing these actions continuously, scanning for any sign of trouble. If it encounters any problem, it will alert you immediately. You can then set things right real quick and get back on track.

Here's how the monitor a web transaction screen looks like:

The web transaction monitors are really useful when you need to monitor multiple webpages of an application in a particular sequence. It checks dynamically created pages that require authentication. So you can use it to monitor your online stores, bank account logins, any kind of user forms on your site, and so on.

What do you think about the web transaction monitor? We would love to hear your feedback.

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