Monitor JavaScript errors using Site24x7 Real User Monitoring (RUM)

JavaScript errors can be critical and can affect end user experience. It's important to analyze all such errors and fix them appropriately before end users are affected. Using Site24x7 RUM, monitor JavaScript errors and ensure that end users experience seamless web application performance.

What are JavaScript errors?

Most internet users have encountered JavaScript errors at some stage or the other. This happens when a script in a web page contains an error or fails to execute correctly.

Increase in number of browser extensions and adware makes handling JavaScript errors very tricky. Adding to the complexity, not every error can be eliminated during the development stage, thus it's critical to have a monitoring tool that highlights such errors as they are encountered.

Site24x7 Real User Monitoring lets you pinpoint any JavaScript code errors that may be present on your webpages. You will also get deep insights on the error type, message and URL allowing you to take prompt action and improve webpage performance.

How we help you monitor~JavaScript~errors

All JavaScript errors that you have experienced when you access your web application will automatically show up in the JavaScript tab of your Web RUM client .

[caption id="attachment_3587" align="alignnone" width="960"]Monitor Javascript errors The first error seems to have occurred most frequently. Lets further investigate that one.[/caption]

On selecting the error, a popup screen opens up which gives us~a more detailed view into the error. We can see details such as where in the code the error instance has occurred, the specific time at which the error has occurred and how many times it has occurred.JavaScript errors popup

We can also see the error by device as well as browser. In the below example the error seems to have occurred only on Google Chrome.~The issue in this example could be browser specific.Error by device and browser

Ready to monitor your web applications in real time? Add Site24x7 RUM to your IT monitoring and troubleshooting arsenal. Sign-up for a free Site24x7 trial account! Want to share your Web monitoring strategy with your IT peers? Visit our Site24x7 community Forums!

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