Ideal URL to monitor

Author: Gibu

Websites are more of web applications now with most having interaction with backend databases to provide dynamic content to users. Webmasters may have a confusion on what is the best URL on my website to monitor ? I guess the best person to answer this question is 'yourself'!

The index page is normally the most important page on a website but sometimes these pages may be static pages, to ensure that they load quickly. It is hence important to monitor the index page for the reason that it is the most important page. However it is good to have site24x7 monitor atleast one page that will make queries to a database as mentioned in Monitoring your backend server . Additionally you must do a check for a particular text in the page output. This text is normally the data that is taken from a database. E.g text could be the price for a particular product. This will ensure your database as well as the web server is fine.

Hence to make maximum use of site24x7, make sure you look for important keywords taken from a dynamic web page.

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