How do you know when your website is defaced?

Website defacement is any unauthorized access of a website by a hacker or a system cracker. A hacker might break into the web server and create a page of his own. When visitors come to the website, they might get to see a totally different page or it might perform unexpected actions. Typically hackers leave some messages or shoutouts to their friends. Most of the defacements are harmless, but sometimes they can used to cover up something more sinister such as uploading malware or spyware. Webmasters and website owners usually take necessary precautions to ensure their websites do not fall into unauthorized hands. In spite of all these efforts, some malicious hackers do manage to gain unauthorized access to the site. The recent hacking of a UK website is an example. For a webmaster, what's worser than web page defacement is not even knowing about it. Imagine coming to know of it from your users. This is another reason why you should continuously monitor your web pages. It is not enough if you monitor the website's downtime or performance alone. You should keep an eye on website content as well to know if someone has defaced your website. With Site24x7, you can check for the presence or absence of any keywords or phrases on your web page. If any keyword or phrase is available or not available, Site24x7 will alert you. You can also configure Site24x7 to alert you when your website content changes or when your web page is modified. Using our web page defacement monitoring features, you will instantly know when someone has gained access to your website and changed its contents so that you can initiate corrective actions quickly. What do you think of the web page content monitoring features of Site24x7 ? Reply through comments or contact our support team directly.

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