Firefox continues to eat into IE's market share - Site24x7 Blog

Firefox continues to eat into IE's market share

Author: ArunMozilla's Firefox browser touched 20% browser share worldwide for the first time ever in Oct 2008. In fact, it broke this mark twice during October. These numbers were provided by Net Applications, a service which tracks market share for browsers, search engines and operating systems across the globe. These were also reported by Mozilla developer center site. This is a significant development for Mozilla as its browser continues to make significant inroads into Microsoft's Internet Explorer's market share. IE is still the most widely used browser across the world. But its usage has been steadily coming down in recent years as Firefox continues to build more competitive features into it. Will the final version of IE 8 due~for release in late 2008 reverse this trend? We'll have to wait and watch. Found via Webmonkey

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