Find out what increases your web site load time

We came across a couple of articles on the internet which feature Site24x7. The first one is by Prem Godara in his Techno Mirror blog. ~He has an article about finding out what increases the loading time of a website. The article is titled "Does your website load slowly! Here's a solution" Prem mentions two tools - Site24x7 and Octagate Site Timer. Here are a few excerpts from the post:

Are you one of those users whose website takes lot of time to load but don't know what is the problem and which component of the website is taking too much time to load. Generally, several components of a web page (like Iframes, Flash, Javascript, Images, CSS,) can increase the page loading time but it is very hard to pinpoint the exact culprit that decreases the speed of the site. A normal HTML web page may have advertising scripts, YouTube videos, images and so on. I came across two online services which can help you by pinpointing as which component of your website is taking too much of time to load. One such service is Site24x7. Site24x7 is a hosted website monitoring service that helps webmasters ensure their websites are up and running at peak performance. The Site24x7 servers sends out HTTP or HTTPS request to your website at regular intervals of time and alerts you if it is down. This service is available both as free and premium version. In premium version, you get some advanced features such as monitoring DNS/email servers, online web applications and so on.

Thanks for writing about Site24x7, Prem!

As Prem mentioned in his blog, there are 2 ways through which a user can find which component is increasing the site loading time. One is the Analyze Web page tool and the second is the Web Page Analyzer monitor. The second article which we want to bring to your attention today is one in the Free Pedia website titled 'Monitor your Site Up and Down Status'. This article provides brief information about Site24x7's website monitoring service. Few excerpts:

Site24�7 is a simple hosted web site monitoring service that works around the clock making sure that websites are performing flawlessly. You can set a threshold for a web page such that - if the page load time of that page is more than 3 seconds, you should be notified through EMail, SMS and RSS.

Thanks for writing about us, guys!

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