Essential tool for a blog

Author: ArunAs we mentioned in one of our earlier posts here, we frequently get to read some articles about Site24x7 in languages other than English. Here are couple of recent such posts from the blogosphere. The first is in French. The article is titled "Les outils indispensables pour un blog (7/9): Site24�7" and appears in SimpleEntrepreneur site. The title when translated into English reads "Essential tools for a blog (7/9): Site24x7". The post is in fact one among a series of posts that discuss about certain essential tools required by a blog owner. The other services mentioned here include Technorati, Google Analytics, Crazy Egg, etc. Hmm, we got some nice company here for sure!!

Here are a few excerpts from this article:

Basically this article mentions Site24x7's ability to analyze the availability of a blog or site at regular time intervals and to send out alerts if they become inaccessible or down. It also mentions about our alert mechanism which includes email, SMS and RSS alerts. Read full article here. The second article is in German and it appears in 'Server Monitoring' blog. The post is titled "Site24�7 - Servermonitoring Web 2.0" and it can be read here. Thanks for writing about us, guys!!

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