Dependency configuration now gives you better hold over your alert credits

It would be of little use if you email your boss about your planned leave when your boss has limited access to his inbox. Its just like having butter and jam with no bread to supplement.

Consider 100 network devices are mapped to a single switch or router. It would be taxing to get false alerts for all the 100 if the main switch/router goes down.

This is where Site24x7 goes up an extra mile and gives you the flexibility to configure dependent monitors both at the monitor level and the monitor group level.

To explain alert suppression further, consider Switch A has about 100 servers connected. If switch A fails, the first question that would come up is - 'Can I set up suppression so that I don't get an alert from all the 100 server nodes that I am monitoring. Do I have to configure alert suppression for each of the 100 servers individually?'

Well, you can go ahead and have all the 100 servers grouped as a monitor group and then map Switch A as a dependent monitor to the monitor group. Site24x7 will verify the status of the dependent monitor (Switch A) before sending out alerts for servers in the monitor group.

Adding a dependent monitor in a monitor group Adding a dependent monitor to a monitor group

You can also set up dependent monitors for each monitor if there are less monitors or if the dependency monitor differs for each server.

Some of the pointers to be kept in mind about alert suppression are as follows:

  • Alert suppression will be applicable if the dependent monitor is in the "Down" or in "Maintenance" state only. 

  • The polling interval of the dependent resource will be tuned down to the least polling value based on the monitor type to make sure that the delays between checks are significantly less. 

  • There can only be one dependent monitor mapped to a particular group or resource.

  • Dependent monitors have no connection with the sub-groups mapped in a monitor.

  • All alerting modes are suppressed on configuring a dependent resource.

Go ahead and manage your alert credits by limiting the number of notifications sent when critical devices fail. Configure a dependent monitor for all your vital resources now.

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