Best service for monitoring online application

Author: ArunJust wanted to share a couple of nice feedback that came to us recently. This one is from Barrie Etherington, who has been using Site24x7 for a long time.

A tricky recent period; with loss of websites due to maladministration. On our way back now, thanks to this site so ... watch this space.

Thanks Barrie. Nice to know Site24x7 helped you during the tricky period with website problems. One of our Malaysian user says:

Thank you for the best services for monitoring online application. after a few month that used this tools, I'm very satisfied with the services, it's works and always alarm me if anything happen to my site. Once again, thank you!

Thank you for those nice words!

btw, did you notice our new layout when you logged into your Site24x7 account recently? The links for adding monitors, email contacts, etc. are now available on the right side of the screen. There are other minor changes as well. Here is how it looks like now

So, what do you think of our new layout? Reply through your comments to this post or mail us directly.

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