Are your systems and network monitoring solutions insured?

You might be wondering "Does anyone consider insuring their on-premise monitoring solutions?" By insurance, we mean is there a~backup plan in case your on-premise monitoring solution breaks down? Of course every IT~initiative~usually has a back up plan, but what about considering a backup plan for the system and tools in place that are designed to prevent having to use your backup plan in the first place? Join us as we tackle these questions below.

[caption id="attachment_1580" align="alignnone" width="640"]stockxpertcom_id506245_size4 Complement your IT Investments[/caption]

In today’s IT world, there are tons of products out there that monitor the status of~websites, servers, applications running on them, and resources behind the firewall. With so many different solutions available, it’s sometimes chaotic to keep an eye on the status of all the products that handle your monitoring activity.

Now you might argue that there are home grown scripts that you can implement to make sure all the monitoring solutions are up and running,~ but do they have the ability to inform you about the status or performance of your on-premise solution~wherever~you are?

This is where~Site24x7 server monitoring~agent comes into the picture. It’s a light weight agent deployed on your server that will automatically detect all the~network management~products configured and add them as a process to your Site24x7~Server Monitoring~dashboard. It will also help you monitor using port checks, system uptime, and process uptime checks, all while updating you on the status and uptime.

This~new service~solves many a dilemma for the IT guy. It’s a simple solution that can not only effectively monitor your on-premise solution, but also being on the Cloud, keep you informed about the status of key metrics like status, cpu %, memory %, thread count, and much more anytime, anywhere be it via SMS, email, mobile push notifications for iPhone / Android, and even voice calls.

The magic doesn’t end with this, the user can~start / stop the service right from the Site24x7 dashboard or on a~hand-held~devices itself at the touch of a button. You can also integrate this service with 3rd~party applications like Zapier and PagerDuty.

Ohh did we mention this~service is totally FREE? Yes, you heard it right. Listed below are the list of products that we support out-of-the-box.

  • ManageEngine
  • HP
  • Kaseya
  • Nagios
  • Solarwinds
  • Ipswitch

Don't find what you want?~Let us know~and we will include it in our roadmap and add to the list.

So, the next time you decide to go out on a vacation with family, don’t fret. We have the perfect monitoring + alerting solution for you.

A self configuring solution:

  • Download and install the Site24x7 server monitoring agent onto your server
  • The lightweight agent automatically detects any on-premise monitoring product running
  • The agent will automatically add the monitoring product to the Site24x7 console and mark it~FREE~for monitoring
  • Keep track of key monitoring statistics from a single Site24x7 console and take corrective actions via a mobile phone
  • Also visit our~help document~for information

~Key highlights:

  • Monitor your network management solution (on-premise monitoring products) for free
  • Mobile App helps take corrective action - Start / stop~processes from a mobile device
  • Help your IT Vendor troubleshoot performance issues on the physical server by sending out metrics like status, cpu %, memory % etc.
  • Works with the existing on-premise monitoring system
  • Easy to set up with a auto updating,~ light weight, cloud friendly software agent.

Site24x7 delivers unified Website monitoring from a user’s perspective, datacenter & cloud management, and deep application code visibility, together in one console, to make your life easier. So wait no more,~sign up~now and get more out of your network and systems management tools!~ Experience a whole new level of insight into your web infrastructure management.

Take a tour of Site24x7.~Watch video.


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