About Today's Unexpected Outage with Site24x7 Service

Today morning (January 20, 2012), we faced an unexpected downtime starting 08:15AM PST to 14:25Pm PST due to a power failure in Equinix, our California data center. Polling did not happen during this time and even our website page was not accessible during this time period. The issue is resolved now and our monitoring services are back to normal.

Even though what happened was not in our control, we understand the difficulties it would have put you into. Please accept our sincerest apologies. We hope to provide higher resilience for our infrastructure in the future.

The following is a brief of what actually happened.

Equinix is the co-location provider in California for all Zoho services including Site24x7. The power failure affected our services. All these services including Site24x7 have multiple database clusters and each cluster has a Master-Slave-Secondary Slave combination. The power failure caused inconsistencies in some of the clusters and this delayed restoring the services.

We are still in the process of restoring the redundancies. Will keep you posted.

Update: Our website monitoring service is restored completely. If you face any difficulties, please contact support@site24x7.com or send us a tweet to @site24x7.

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