A sneak peek into our forthcoming update

Author: ArunWe, at Site24x7, periodically update our service with the intention of making things better for the user as well as providing more options. We are all set to come out with a new update this week. Here's a look into what's coming.

  • Two new monitor types

    Mail Server Monitor - to help you monitor email server round trip time. Web Page Analyzer - to help you analyze each component of your web page to find out if they are slowing down your site performance.

  • Schedule Maintenance - to help you deal with planned downtime.
  • Import URLs - to help you add multiple website monitors at once.
  • Schedule Daily/Weekly reports - to enable you receive reports at a time of your choice.

Apart from all the above features/enhancements, there is a cool new addition to the Reports section. Can you guess what it could be?

Availability History

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