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Metric Profile

Site24x7 offers Metric Profile for all its Amazon Web Services (AWS) monitors, providing you with the capability to select, and obtain only those CloudWatch metrics you choose. We consume CloudWatch API calls to retrieve only those metrics you choose to monitor, reducing your overall Amazon CloudWatch costs.

Few pointers to keep in mind:

  • Only CloudWatch metrics can be chosen in a Metric Profile.
  • When a monitor is in Trouble status, and a particular metric associated with that monitor is unselected in the profile, then the status of the monitor in the next poll will be Up.
  • When none of the metrics are selected to be monitored, only the availability status of your resources will be shared by default.
  • If base metrics aren't selected, then we do not generate data for derived metrics. For example, let's consider the case of Lambda monitoring. The derived metric, Success %, will not be generated if the base metrics—Invocations, and Errors—aren't selected in a profile.

Configure Metric Profile

Metric Profile can be configured in three different ways:

Configuration Profiles

From the Configuration Profiles section, you can add, edit, and delete profiles. To configure the Metric Profile:

  1. Navigate to Configuration Profiles > Metric Profile.
  2. This will be the Metric Profile page, where you can view all the profiles that have been configured previously.
  3. If there are no previously created profiles, you can add a new profile by clicking the Add Metric Profile button on the top right side of the page.
  4. Profile Type: Choose Amazon Web Services or AWS Service Quotas.
  5. Display Name: Provide a meaningful display name for identification.
  6. Choose the desired metrics and click Save.

Once the profiles are created, selecting the hamburger-shaped icon to the left of the profile name enables you to edit or delete the profiles created.

Integrate AWS account

When you navigate to Integrate AWS account > Discovery Options, you can view the field Metric Selection Profile. The drop-down menu provides a list of previously created profiles. To add a new profile, click the + icon and enter the name of your choice under Display Name to create a Metric Profile. Once the profiles are created, you can edit or associate the profiles created with a monitor. The Integrate AWS account section enables you to add, edit, and associate the profiles.

Defining an action as a configuration rule

Follow the initial steps for adding a configuration rule listed here. When you define an action from the drop-down menu, select Metric Profile to view the profiles configured previously. In this section, you can associate the profiles created with a monitor.


This is supported only for Amazon Web Services and not AWS Service Quotas.

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