Associate Configuration Profiles to Server Monitor during Agent Installation
Configuration profiles include adding threshold, notification, resource check profiles, and display name(s) to the server monitors. The association of these profiles can be done:
- During the installation of the agent via command line arguments
- During remote installation of Linux servers using SSH
- While adding VM extensions via Azure Command Line Interface (CLI)
- After the installation of the agent, associate configuration profiles to the newly added monitors in the Site24x7 web client
During the Installation of the Agent via Command Line Arguments:
- Log in to Site24x7 and go to Server > Server Monitor > Servers (+) > Windows/Linux. For Windows, download and install the agent in the location of your choice. For Linux, execute the commands given in Step 2 under Linux - One-step Installation.
- Open command prompt as administrator and execute the following commands based on your OS type:
Windows: Once the Windows agent is downloaded, go to the path where the file is present and then execute the following command:
msiexec.exe /i Site24x7WindowsAgent.msi EDITA1=<Device Key> ENABLESILENT=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress DN=<Display Name> TP=<Threshold profile name> RP=<Resource profile name> NP=<Notification profile name> GN=<Group name> RULE=<Configuration rule Name> /qn
msiexec.exe /i Site24x7WindowsAgent.msi EDITA1=DeviceKeyHerefhgh ENABLESILENT=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress DN="Windows Monitor" TP="sample Server" RP="oneMin" NP="Notification 1" GN="sample group" RULE="production servers" /qn
bash -i -key=<Device Key> -dn=<Display Name> -gn=<Group name> -tp=<Threshold profile name> -np=<Notification profile name> -rule=<Configuration rule name>
Docker: For proxy, use the same -e option followed by the proxy key and value.
bash -i -key=DeviceKeyHere -dn=test_server -gn=aws -tp=profile1 -np=profile2 -rule="production servers"
Alternative Method:
./Site24x7_Linux_64bit.install -i -key=<Device Key> -dn=test_server -gn=aws -tp=profile1 -np=profile2
docker run -d --name site24x7-agent \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
-v /proc/:/host/proc/:ro \
-v /sys:/host/sys/:ro \
-e key=<device_key> \
-e ct=<configuration_profile_name> \
-e tp=<threshold_profile>\
-e rule=<configuration_rule_name>\
Parameters to be used in the above commands Description Windows Linux & Docker EDITA1 key Device key of your Site24x7 account RULE rule Configuration rule to be applied to the server monitor CT ct Configuration template to be associated with the server (deprecated) DN dn Display name of the server GN gn Group to which the server has to be added. Refer to the example format to associate with multiple groups. Example: -GN="Group1,Group2" TP tp Threshold profile to be associated with the server NP np Notification profile to be associated with the server RP rp Resource check profile to be associated with the server AUTOMATION=true automation=true Enable IT Automation. By default, IT Automation capabilities will be disabled. PLUGINS=false plugins=false Disable Plugins RESOURCE_CHECKS=false resource_checks=false Disable resource checks APPLICATIONS=false applications=false Disable application discovery MANAGEMENT_ACTIONS=false management_actions=false Disable start, stop, and restart actions SERVICE=false process=false Disable monitoring of services in Windows and processes in Linux ENABLEPROXY proxy Set proxy to connect to the Site24x7 servers. For Linux servers, refer our Knowledge Base document to configure proxy settings. PROXYSERVERNAME <Not applicable> Proxy server name with port link <servername>:<port> PROXYUSERNAME <Not applicable> Proxy user name (if applicable) PROXYPASSWORD <Not applicable> proxy password (if applicable) <Not applicable> f Force install the agent even if there is an agent installed already <Not applicable> lp Enable log profile <Not applicable> lt AppLog type to be associated with the server. For example: -lt=syslog <Not applicable> lf Applog files to be collected for the specified log type. For example: -lf=/var/log/syslog <Not applicable> nk Create a monitor for cloned server <Not applicable> da Install the agent as docker agent TAGS tags Associate tags to the monitor. Refer to the example format to specify multiple tags. Example: -tags=tag_name:<tag1> (or) -tags=tag_name:<tag1>,tag2_name:<tag2> <Not applicable> gid Create Site24x7 agent group with specific group ID <Not applicable> uid Create Site24x7 agent group with a specific user ID <Not applicable> prometheus Integrate Prometheus. Learn more about Prometheus integration in our Prometheus integration help document. <Not applicable> statsd Integrate StatsD. Learn more about StatsD integration in our StatsD integration setup help document. <Not applicable> init_system Manually specify the service manager as either systemd/sysvinit HEARTBEAT heartbeat=true/false Enable/Disable heartbeat check <Not applicable> dc=true/false Enable/Disable data collection <Not applicable> s24x7-agent Install agent as root and run as non root <Not applicable> nr Install agent as non root <Not applicable> ns Disable syslog monitoring <Not applicable> ri Re-install the agent with the same configuration <Not applicable> u Uninstall the agent CPU_LIMIT cpu_limit=<value> Set the maximum CPU utilization the agent can consume (in percentage). MEM_LIMIT mem_limit=<value> Set the maximum memory the agent can consume (in megabytes). For third party integrations like Slack, PagerDuty, add them to a configuration rule and then apply the configuration rule (RULE/rule) to a server monitor during command line installation. NoteWhen entering the optional parameters, spaces in between names should be enclosed in quotes. For Windows, use double quotes and for Linux, you can use either single or double quotes.
- Go to Server > Server Monitor > Servers to view the newly added monitor(s).
For Windows, the configuration profiles for the installed agent can be found in the Site24x7WindowsAgent registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ManageEngine\Site24x7WindowsAgent\ServerProfileConfig. For Linux, the configuration profiles for the installed agent can be found in the monagent.cfg file under /opt/site24x7/monagent/conf.
Any change to the existing configuration profiles cannot be made via command line arguments. You can make changes to the profile by going to the Edit Server Monitor page of the respective server monitor (Server > Server Monitor > Servers > click on the server monitor > hover on the hamburger icon beside the display name > Edit > Edit Server Monitor > Configuration Profiles > make the edits and Save the changes).
During Remote Installation of Linux Servers using SSH:
This is a bulk installation method to install multiple Linux servers in one go.
- Log in to Site24x7 and go to Server > Server Monitor > Servers (+) > Bulk Install > Linux Bulk Installation Methods > Remote Installation using SSH.
- Copy, paste, and execute the command given in the Site24x7 web client:
sudo -E bash -c "$(curl -sL" readlink -i -key=<Device Key>
- Associate configuration profile(s) by appending one or more of the following parameters to the above command:
For example, associate a configuration rule (rule) to the command given in Step 2 as follows:
Parameters Description rule Configuration rule to be associated with the server ct Configuration template to be associated with the server (deprecated) gn Group to which the server has to be added tp Threshold profile to be associated with the server np Notification profile to be associated with the server rp Resource check profile to be associated with the server
The configuration rule will be associated to all the Linux server monitors installed.sudo -E bash -c "$(curl -sL" readlink -i -key=<Device Key> -rule=<Configuration rule name>
While Adding VM Extensions via Azure Command Line Interface (CLI):
This is available only for Linux servers.
- Log in to Site24x7 and go to Server > Server Monitor > Servers (+) > Bulk Install > Linux Bulk Installation Methods > Azure.
- Append the following parameters to the command given under Step 2 in the web client and execute the command.
For example, associate a configuration rule (rule) to the command given in the web client as follows:Parameters Description rule Configuration rule to be associated with the server ct Configuration template to be associated with the server (deprecated) gn Group to which the server has to be added tp Threshold profile to be associated with the server np Notification profile to be associated with the server rp Resource Profile to be associated with the server
azure vm extension set -g <resource-group-name> --vm-name <vm-name> --version 1.5 --publisher-name Site24x7 -n Site24x7LinuxServerExtn --private-config "{\"site24x7LicenseKey\":\"ab_9868f27c8a45b2fc76088c8ecec7bd7305f59661\"}" --public-config "{\"site24x7AgentType\":\"azurevmextnlinuxserver\", \"rule\":\"<Configuration rule name>\"}"
- To associate proxy, append the parameter \"proxy\":\"user:password@proxyhost:proxyport\" to the above command as follows:
The configuration rule will be associated to the Linux server monitors vm extension set -g <resource-group-name> --vm-name <vm-name> --version 1.5 --publisher-name Site24x7 -n Site24x7LinuxServerExtn --private-config "{\"site24x7LicenseKey\":\"ab_9868f27c8a45b2fc76088c8ecec7bd7305f59661\"}" --public-config "{\"site24x7AgentType\":\"azurevmextnlinuxserver\", \"proxy\":\"user:password@proxyhost:proxyport\"}"