Site24x7 logo May 2024
Product highlights
Detecting and addressing blocking sessions with Site24x7

In a Microsoft SQL database, blocking sessions take place when one session blocks a resource that another session needs, causing delays and performance issues. This may lead to slow query execution, application timeouts, and decreased database efficiency. Site24x7 provides in-depth analysis on blocking sessions, including information on the blocking and blocked sessions, the queries involved, and resource waits.

Obtain a comprehensive view of your AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery environment

In an AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (AWS DRS) environment, ensuring the consistency and integrity of replicated data during a failover or failback process is complex and prone to errors. You can overcome this challenge and gain deep insights by integrating your AWS DRS with Site24x7. Track the health and performance of your disaster recovery setup with Site24x7's integration with AWS DRS. Individually monitor your source servers and recovery instances for each region and receive alerts for threshold breaches.

Stay updated with Azure service changes and optimizations with service recommendation mailers from Site24x7

Failing to promptly adopt the latest updates and changes in Azure services can lead to suboptimal performance, security vulnerabilities, and increased costs. Site24x7 sends automated service recommendation emails with customized and actionable insights on optimizing Azure services without manual tracking, ensuring your cloud environment benefits from best practices and new features.

Introducing Site24x7's GCP Inventory Report with the consolidated view of all your GCP resources

Optimize resource allocation by swiftly identifying essential asset configurations in a consolidated view. Monitor and manage your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resources seamlessly with real-time updates and detailed insights provided by the GCP Inventory Report. Customize scheduling according to your business needs for enhanced efficiency.

Address resource bottlenecks and over-provisioning on Digital Ocean and Rancher Kubernetes Engine

If you experience frequent resource bottlenecks and over-provisioning across your Kubernetes environments on Digital Ocean and RKE, it is time that you utilize Site24x7 to monitor key metrics—such as CPU, memory usage, and storage—at various levels (clusters, nodes, and pods). Set up custom thresholds and alerts to proactively manage and optimize resource allocation.

Fine-tune your RabbitMQ infrastructure with Site24x7

With Site24x7's integration with RabbitMQ, gain a holistic view of your RabbitMQ environments and fine-tune your infrastructure performance and reliability. Monitor each queue within your broker individually, enabling proactive anomaly identification and swift issue resolution.

Optimize your database performance with the new Sybase monitoring plugin

Maximize availability, maintain optimal performance, and detect issues early with the new Sybase (SAP ASE) plugin integration. The plugin tracks crucial performance metrics, including those for memory management, connections, lock management, cache optimization, and transactions.

Visualize complex networks effortlessly with our enhanced Layer 2 maps

Gain more visibility into your network devices and upgrade your problem-solving abilities with our upgraded Layer 2 maps. The enhanced user interface, along with feature updates, allows you to visualize the connections between network devices easily, analyze a node's connections, track devices in the map inventory, and access detailed information—all from one window..

Enhance your monitor reliability through frequent polling

We now offer a new poll frequency of 10 and 15 seconds for On-Premise Poller locations. You can configure your monitor to poll at these frequency intervals to get instant alerts, ensuring you stay ahead with the latest information. Doing so will enhance the overall system reliability and performance of the internet service monitors. These poll frequencies are now available for website, DNS, Port, POP, SMTP, FTP Server, Ping, and REST API monitors.

Data collection stats of your RUM monitor

Easily export the RUM data report for in-depth analysis, sharing with stakeholders, performance monitoring, and comparison using the Data Collection Stats tab. This enables better decision-making and targeted optimization to enhance the user experience.

Free online training

Interactive online training by our product specialists will give you the tips and tricks to utilize your account better. Get hands on with industry standard best practices in real time!

Date: Jul. 23 - Aug. 20 2024 - 11 am EST | 06 am GST

More Free tools
SLA Uptime Calculator

Use this tool to meet your SLA requirements by calculating allowed downtime based on the given uptime percentage.

JSON Formatter

Our Validate and format your JSON strings into object trees that are highlighted by colors for easy identification of JSON keys and values.

Featured articles
Sneak Peek
  • New exception alert and log anomaly detection
    Stay ahead of issues with instant alerts for new exceptions and log anomalies in your applications.

  • New discovery intervals coming soon in Google Cloud monitoring!
    More options are on the way in our discovery intervals for Google Cloud monitoring. Very soon, you will be able to select from a wider variety of options to select the frequency at which your Google Cloud resources are discovered and subsequently added for monitoring.

  • Is your growing number of devices making IP address management more complex?
    Scan, track, and manage IP addresses using our upcoming IPAM feature.

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