To add a new data source in Grafana, navigate to the data sources section, choose your desired data source type, and configure its connection settings.
# Example: Adding a data source in Grafana grafana.addDataSource("prometheus", { url: "http://localhost:9090" });
In the Grafana UI, go to "Configuration" > "Data Sources" and click "Add Data Source". Select the type of data source (e.g., Prometheus), fill in the necessary connection details, and click "Save & Test".
# Example: Adding data source using the Grafana UI # Go to Configuration -> Data Sources -> Add Data Source # Select Prometheus and provide connection details (URL, etc.)
After adding a data source, you need to configure its settings such as URL, access credentials, and time range for data fetching.
# Example: Configuring a Prometheus data source grafana.configureDataSource("prometheus", { url: "http://localhost:9090", access: "proxy" });
You may need to provide authentication details like API tokens or credentials when configuring some data sources, depending on the data source type.
# Example: Adding authentication to a data source grafana.addAuth("prometheus", { token: "your-api-token" });
Grafana supports a variety of data sources, including Prometheus, Elasticsearch, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and more.
# Example: Using Prometheus as a data source grafana.addDataSource("prometheus", { url: "http://localhost:9090" });
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